Sunday, April 02, 2017

Heggies Rock Photos

Three times a year a local photographer gives a "photo tour/workshop" at a local Nature Conservancy spot called Heggies Rock.  I got on the list and not matter how I felt I was going on this!

It is sort of a magical place.  There are plants that only live there.  Very hostile conditions.  It is a large outcropping of granite that basically is untouched.  Plants grow in the shallow "dishes" or moss-beds.
Reindeer Moss...
The limit the number of people who have access and require visitors to walk only in certain areas.

Water runs off the granite quickly.  This is called the "ephemeral stream."

There are a few areas with shrub and some lillies...
This species of mounding Quillwort is only found at Heggies Rock
The plants have wonderful names like Mounding Quillwort, Pool Sprite, Merlin Grass, and Granite Elf Orpine.  (I have to admit Hogworts came to mind!)

So today I am sore and tired but very happy went on the photo shoot!
Sedum which is what most photographers go to Heggies to shoot...

I spent  good part of the day just folding fabric, cleaning the cutting table, with one quick trip to the April sale at the LQS!  More on that later!


  1. Looks like an opportunity not to be missed. Glad you were able to take part!

  2. Was wonderful to see you at LQS yesterday.

  3. Wow! Interesting and beautiful place! I can see why you didn't want to miss out on it. Thank you for sharing the pictures.


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