Thursday, June 01, 2017

Top finish!

If you need to make a quick baby quilt I highly recommend this pattern from Missouri Quilts.  Start to finish it took about 6 hours...maybe less since I was doing leaders and ender blocks in between.

I pulled some fabric last night to piece a background and with luck should quilt it up this month.  This is my "donation" for the guild silent auction table in November.
gardenia bushes in bloom and smell great!

The weather is hot and steamy here in Georgia.  Went outside this morning thinking I could drink my coffee in the garden!  Duh...bugs...bugs everywhere!  No wonder I have so many Dragonflies is like an all they can eat buffet!  Needless to say I had to get back in the house quickly and slather After-bite over both feet!
my rescue daylilly from last year came back fine!

Also caring for my sick, not 17 y.o Goldie but Dobby!  Brought him to the vet yesterday and they think he has asthma...His breathing is noisy and a bit labored at times.  He is grouchy...even more so than usual!  Hard to give TLC to a cat who can take your arm off!


  1. Hope you and kitty get well soon. My gardenias started blooming as well. Hugs.

  2. Poor kitty! We had a cat that was diagnosed with asthma - she would have these terrible coughing fits which at first we thought were fur ball attacks but turned out to be asthma. Had to put her on medication which worked quite well.

  3. I'll have to keep that pattern in mind. It is a very happy little quilt!
    I can conjure up the smell of gardenias by looking at that photo. And the rescued daylily is a beauty!
    Dobby's look does kind of make you want to be cautious around him.

  4. Hmm, I have a cat just like that..a big GRUMP! But then he IS 16!

  5. That's a very cute baby quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Poor Dobby and poor you! I hope the vets can help you get him feeling better. Not easy for any cat much less the resistant ones.
    MSQC is amazing with Jenny's videos. I love the quilts she comes up with. I also just love listening to her talk. Just cheerful :-)


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