Monday, July 17, 2017

The things you find...

There is a lot of "stuff" in our house.  That said, we are making great progress in sorting and packing.

I have to keep an eye on my husband as he would toss anything that he doesn't immediately a box of block doesn't have value since it isn't a quilt! to keep and eye on him.
Been gathering lace and wool for this quilt for years and it almost went to the charity shop!

Of course I am guilty of trying to finally get rid of a box of record albums that we have hauled around at least 4 moves and never taken out of the box...but I told him I was doing it.  That is why the box is back in our hallway...he is "thinking about it."

But on the bright side I found some scraps of my favorite fabric that I thought was long, long gone....

I so wish they would reprint this Paris fabric!

On the other hand I found 3 yards of this superhero fabric!  What was I thinking?

I am also putting aside a few items for the American Quilt Study Auction at this year's seminar in New Hampshire.  Not sure yet if I will be able to go but I want to support the organization.  I've narrowed down the quilt donation to one of two: the red, white and blue rocky road to kansas in the photo above or the circa 1880 braid quilt below.

I also have a few books that will go up there and maybe some blocks...

first...a nap...


  1. I have always said you don't know how much stuff you have until you start to move. Sounds like you have found some good stuff, some surprises and maybe some which needs to go

  2. Funny how each of you are trying to get rid of the other's things. : )
    Those are great vintage quilts!

  3. moving is an adventure, no doubt....still tweaking my new place after over a year....

  4. I do think my next EPP project will just have to be the braid quilt. So simple, yet so lovely.

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