There is little I love more than a good book. I've gone through several "must read" book lists (USA Today's, NPR, and the NYT Book Reveiw) trying to get togher a stash for all my traveling this summer. I know is isn't like I'm going to a country that doesn't speak english but books are something like a comfort blanket...I like to have a couple on the side. Sort of like hiding enough money in my car to fill the tank with gas or to buy lots of Dunkin Donuts Coffee....
So any suggestions? I love mysteries, good sci-fi, and even current events. I just finished The Bookseller of Kabal(really good), The First Man in Rome by Colleen mcCullough (this is a reread from several years ago and I still like it), Longitudes and Attitudes by Thomas Friedman (aferwards I reread the Harry Potter series...Friedman is intense and not optomistic...I needed some fantasy in my life after that book), and Dragon's Lair by Sharon Kay Penman (braincandy...a good beach read!)
About the only things I don't read are horror (alright an occasional Stephen King, but just becuase I like his writing style) and romance.
The quilt top in the photo was mixed in with my 1930's repros...go figure. I made it during our move to Georgia a few years ago. I had a lot of oriental fabrics left over from making jackets and had seen something like this done in Idigos. I like the simplicity of the circles. The fabric really takes on center stage in this quilt.