I'm closing out the year sorting UFO's and cleaning a closet. Sounds like fun no? I did finish my star blocks for the Bonnie's mystery in time for today's new step!
Actually I had a busy week visiting with friends last week and it sort of wore me out. I did make a new Bittersweet Chocolate Cake recipe from the Land O'Lakes web site. It is definitively a keeper! Stays moist for days and is a deep, deep chocolate accented with coffee...be still my heart!
The photos shows it on one of my favorite cake stands. It was made from the broken propeller of a Gloster Gladiator Aircraft at RAF Ismalia, Egypt in 1937.
This will be a short post. The MS has been acting up and today they put me on a course of steroids...some folks get a bit hyper on them while others get tired and achy...let's say I'll be watching lots of movies from the couch the next few days.
Guess it is a good thing my DH gave me the entire series of the original Upstairs Downstairs, The Tudors (the old boxed set not the current series, and several old Sherlock Holmes movies I hadn't seen before. So with those and the remains of the chocolate cake I should be good for at least 48 hours!
Have a Happy New Year!