They do not however, like all the different animals we run into...For example, last week my husband let them all out into the yard which is fenced in so should be safe. A few minutes later all three come rushing through the sliding door's small opening so fast they were on top of each other! We've been warned about minks and foxes so DH goes running into the yard. (I stayed in the kitchen with the animals all huddled under my chair.) He came back a few minutes later and said the only thing out there was a big crow or a buzzard. A buzzard? Do they even have them in England? After he went upstairs to get ready for work I ventured outside. In our yard was the biggest peacock I had ever seen in my life! And she/he had an attitude! Macbeth fortunately gained back his terrier attitude and came out the door barking so the peacock jumped/flew over the fence. I found out later from the gardener that one of the farms down the lane raises peacocks and occasionally one makes a break for it! DH really is a city-boy! It was few days before the cats would go into the yard unaccompanied. Macbeth of course forgot his early retreat and was full of himself for days....
There were several pieces of turkey red that spanned several years. My favorite is this one with the label still attached. I think some of them may have been salesman samples.
Yes Siobhan we do have buzzards here in the UK - actually far more than I can ever remember as a child - they're obviously on the increase - never had them down in the suburbs of Gloucester when we lived there but only had to go a mile or two put the town to seee them swirling round up high on the thermals. You'd also see them on the top of fence posts on drives up into the Cotswolds - not surprised Macbeth was a little intimidated by a peacock - they're pretty big when you're only a little scottie :o)
What a great story & Nice find!
BTW Big showy tail = peacock
not much of a tail = peahen
In my lifetime, I have seen a lot of the normal blue colored ones & one or two albino ones - I swear in Australia I saw one that was 1/2 & 1/2 - I am not even sure if that is even possible & I forgot to take a picture...
peacock = buzzard??? hmmm. glad the pets are all settling in and brownie girl is doing well.
interesting that one could confuse a peacock with a buzzard.... perhaps a bird identification book is needed for Christmas? :-) Glad the animals are settling though...
Boy is your little MacBeth a cutie pie!!!
Love the red fabric.
Wonderful stories of the creatures!
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