Sorry about the down time on posting...computer has been acting up. Seems in the move one of the connections in the back got loose so when one of the cats would jump on the CPU it would disconnect me!
I've been really busy trying to get ready to go back to the states next week and to get ready for Christmas. Our choral group sings on Sunday and I've been sewing capes like a crazy person! Hopefully I'll have some photos on Sunday. They came out nice...makes us look more like a group.
Also I took a roadtrip up to another base to see a new doctor...what a waste of time! The man was soooo rude and dismissive. I thought my DH was going to come out of the chair and hit...which only made me more nervous then I normally am when at a doctor! I don't know what the phobia is when you start shaking when you enter the doctor's office, sweat through your shirt, mind goes blank...my DH once brought me to the emergency room because of a Kidney stone and when the doctor came in the room and asked how I was doing I said "fine" then threw up and passed out! The problem with doctors is they always find something wrong with you that you didn't go in for in the first place....
Anyways the photo is of the horse Macbeth and I pass each morning on our walk. He is feasting on the small apples the wind has blown down from the tree next to him.
Sorry the doctor was a jerk. So not helpful. You and Mac certainly have a beautiful place to walk.
what a pain to make the effort to go see this doctor, in distance, time and fear, and then have him act like a jerk. So sorry. Hope things sort soon with a little more supportive care behind you :-)
Love the scenery, Siobhan!
I hope that you can soon find a wonderful, caring, intelligent doctor across the pond. What's that saying...one has to kiss a lot of frogs...before finding the prince.... Same with doctors, you suppose?
Doctors think they are God. They are not. Phooey on him! I can imagine you making all the capes for the chorus! How fun. (maybe fun?!) Christmas music is what makes Christmas Christmas for me.
What a beautifull pictre from the horse!! .. You live in a beautiful area.
Sorry to hear about teh rude doctor. A nice and good doctor is so important!
Hope you are all safe and sound back in the states. I can so empathize with you about the Dr.! I do the exact same thing! They just are not harbingers of good news, are they? And I think that all those years of sleep deprivation make them...weird. Have you ever met a "normal" dr? I think not! Good luck with that one! I love Xmas music and listen to it all year! Have a great one Sioban!
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