I signed on to make a waverunner quilt with some other bloggers who visit V at bumblebean quilting. It is a very freeform approach to piecing. I love the look of it and am slowly coming around to enjoy the process.
This has sort of been like a quilting exorcism....as I just cut through the fabric without using a ruler I can almost hear my older sister who taught me to sew take in a deep quick breath...as I run the fabric through the sewing machine and see the varied width of my seams I can feel Mrs. Lynch my girl scout leader's hand on my shoulder...and when I wipe the steamy hair off of my forehead and check to see if the now damp pieced block is finally laying flat on my ironing board I can almost see my first quilting teacher with her lips pressed together asking me if I used steam when I pressed my slightly wonky block.
(I'm sure the ghosts are still there and just hiding in the applique drawer....where they are very much needed!)
It looks great! I so love this style and need to make one. Didn't join this time, but it's on my to-do list! Love your colors.
What you have done looks great. I need to get started on mine. I have some other things I am working on right now. I do like this way of working.
i think those ghosts have taken up residence at MY place (in addition to their sisters who were already standing over me and saying, "tsk. tsk. tsk.") ... i like what you're doing!
You know what I say to all those ghosts?
good choice takign out the yellow, a bit to rainbow-y...
because I LOVE your new color combo!
The net fun part will be figuring out a layout that works well... I think I have 5 or 6 10" blocks that I pieced together with scraps, and 5 that are straight up stripes... it seemed to give a good balance in the first one, and again,that seems to work.
Looks great girl! I knew you could do it!
You Rock for trying new stuff! Just one more thing I dig about you.
*karendianne. who doesn't try new things very often if ever at all. Please don't tell anyone - it makes me look really bad.
Those old hard-won skills are so hard to let go of, aren't they? I have those same voices in my head when I try something like this. Not doing this one, but SHOULD, because I can't hold a ruler right now anyway, so it'd be right up my alley! (wonky is my middle name at the moment) I think your pieces are looking great! "By George, I think she's GOT it!!" *grin*
love it, really do. the colors are great and just marvelous. wheee!!!!
I tried freemotion quilting my Christ mas quilt with metallic thread.....a lot of breakage....it this a no no....or are there special tips???? Help!
Your Waverunner is looking great!!
I'm trying this too...I'm loving not having to line up a ruler and cut....yippee!!
This is exciting!!! I love the slashed block, too! Just in time for Halloween horror. lol
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