This morning a neighbor came by to borrow an electric drill...when she stepped in the foyer she asked, "are you moving?" "No," I answered, "just packed up a few quilts for a program tonight up in Aiken." She didn't look convinced. OK, I packed up a lot of quilts for the program...jeesh.
Every time I do a program I get nervous that no-one will bring a quilt so I bring lots of them just in case....Now it has never happened that no one brings a quilt that they want assistance in dating or identifying the pattern...but there could always be a first time! (of course the last time I did a program in Aiken it was at a Town and Country meeting and they brought over 40 quilts...may have been a record...)
I know that I enjoy lectures/programs with lots of quilts. Just like show and tell is my favorite part of guild meetings, a lecture only comes to life for me if there is lots of eye-candy. So how many quilts are "enough" for a 60 minute talk...six would be one every ten minutes - too few...ten would be every 6 minutes...twenty would be every 3 minutes... So how many do you think I have packed? (Hint it takes up the entire back seat of a Tuscon....)
I'd bet around 50ish. I really like this quilt, Sio. A lot. As a matter of fact I smiled and thought "See! That's it." That's what I like. ;) Enjoyed the post. Thanks for sharing!
Nice finish on the JL quilt. Each one I have seen since Bonnie's "invitation" has looked so different and unique. I love that. Your border treatment is wonderful!!
Love your ladders quilt!
Your Pink and Green Ladders is wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
At least 25 or 30!!! That'll be a great lecture! Wish I could see it!
Love your JL quilt... that Bonnie Hunter, she's some kind of trouble maker, huh?
Hey, Scotty... beam me over to Aiken! I gotta quilt program I wanna see...
I'm so excited, as I will be at the meeting tonight. I am bringing only one old boring top that is old, but not very interesting as it is only squares. I will also bring a camera. Sure will be fun to learn more about old quilts.
Have fun at your talk!
A great finish and quilt inspector approved too!!
Woo hoo, what a great finish!
Love the Ladders quilt. I'd guess you're taking 30 quilts. Wish I was going to be there!
Have a good time, it's going to be a fun night for everyone, wish I was there.
Love that quilt! It has some great zingers mixed together that are just irresistable. Congrats on your finish. Have a great show!
i'm doing a trunk show next week and will be facing that question very soon...LOL
The pink/green quilt looks great! I hope all goes well with your lecture/program and that you get lots of wonderful eyecandy!!
Love your ladders! they dance!
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