Somewhere in that yellow section of the brain above there should be a label that says "quilt binding." You can't see it? Maybe they drew my brain... With several quilts still needing binding before the show the lingering flu/cold finally tweaked my MS and my left arm has little to no coordination/strength.
So far I have tried pinning the quilt to a pillow to keep the binding taunt while I sew it on...works but is v-e-r-y s-l-o-w. I've also used a large binder clip to attached the end of the quilt to a table, letting the quilt hang over the edge and used gravity to keep it taunt while I stitch...can you say "awkward!"
I know this arm thing will pass...most of my MS-y stuff is irritating but fortunately temporary. But I do have a deadline (also, do you realize how long it takes to type this with one hand...yikes!) so any ideas on how to work around this?
On the good news side I did clear out a stack of UFO's last week...no I didn't finish them! I gave two dollquilts and three table-runners to members of my guild to finish so they could go onto our silent auction table. The way I look at it is I had "kitted" these up almost a year ago (put finished to with batting, backing, and binding) but still hadn't gotten to them...they needed to go. So it is a win-win...the guild gets more handmade items for the auction and I have cleared half a shelf in my sewing room (and a bit of quilter's UFO guilt to boot!)
It would only be temporary---but wonder if you used the iron on tape (what you use to temporary hold up a hem), if that would work? Just a thought--
How frustrating not being able to accomplish what you'd like to get done. Hang in there... this too shall pass... if I were closer, I'd come help!
Wish I could help! I pray you'll bounce back soon.
Wish I could bind them for you. I'm a weird duck - I love to do binding!!! Hope your arm will be in working order soon.
This is a time when I wished I lived closer! As I would love to do your binding for you. A nice job to do while putting my feet up!!! Hope you feel better soon!
Have you ever seen the vintage sewing birds? They clamp onto a table edge and then the beak of the bird holds the fabric in its mouth. I wonder if there was some way it could be your temporary left hand? Seems like the Clothilde catalog always carried a reproduction.
Really hope this bad spell passes quickly for you. I so much enjoy sewing binding and like the other ladies before me would love to be able to pop round and get them done and dusted xxx
ask someone to help (aka, do it for you!). that's my solution. how soon is the show? whee, for clearing stuff off the shelves and out of the brain!
Wish I lived closer, we could sit around with a cuppa and I could sew bindings for you. My favorite thing to do! Get better soon!
So wish I lived nearer Siobhan - i dont mind doing bindings at all - i'd whizz through the lot for you - shame we couldn't post them here and back in time (((hugs)))
Hope you are back to full sewing strength soon. I don't mind when it is my legs that hurt...just leave the hands out of it! :o)
you need a good friend to sit and sew/bind while you drink tea and talk! It would be a win/win thing.
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