Friday, May 15, 2015

Just a bit more fabric...

I know I wasn't supposed to buy any fabric until the new sewing room was set up...ok, I cheated!

It was a late night purchase...couldn't resist some early Halloween fabric.

Particularly when it has such interesting graphics.

And plan on how I'm going to use them!  Maybe construct some liberated log cabins around them....still thinking...

I am however storing almost all my fabric in cabinets of in boxes now.

Noticed too many had developed these fade lines on the outside edge.  I need as much light in my sewing space as possible (MS makes low light work difficult) so I don't want to put in blinds or shades.  I am going to put the film on the windows that is supposed to reduce the fading but I'm not sure I 100% believe the only fabric that will be out on the table or shelves will be fabric I am using at the time...small hills instead of mountains!
BTW...I finally watched the final of Wolfhall!  Loved it.  Even took out my Tudor Tailor mug and made some English tea for the occasion!


  1. is that teh Quilting Treasures fabric? I thought about buying it, but was worried about the quality without getting to feel it in person... Reduce fading, but things will still fade if they're out long enough. I usually throw a sheet over the shelves to protect the fabric, but admit I haven't done it here yet...

  2. What great Halloween fabric!
    My Mom stored her fabrics on open shelves in her sewing room and did have some fading issues. All of my fabrics are stored where they don't see the light of day--closets, drawers and dark corners. : )

  3. Wolfhall...loved the books, and also the PBS television version. Both equally good. It's not often that happens. Now I am on the hunt for some of that raven fabric.

  4. Wolfhall...loved the books, and also the PBS television version. Both equally good. It's not often that happens. Now I am on the hunt for some of that raven fabric.

  5. wow - I love that fabric!
    I found the books difficult and I need to watch the PBS. Wish I had such a stylish mug - maybe I'll have mead...


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