Monday, May 18, 2015

Rock Soup...

Hit a landmark this week...over 550,000 views on my blog!

Ok, that aside.  When I should be organizing I have been sewing!  Needed to get it out of my system!  (The design wall is now mounted on the wall!  Used 6 command strips...seems to be holding just fine!)

This weekend I made another quilt for the local VA.  My guild is doing an amazing job creating quilts for this great cause.  At last count I believe there were over 30 finished and another 6-8 in the process of being quilted or bound.

I have this seemingly bottomless basket of 6-1/2 inch blocks.  Every time I think it is empty I find another stack or a quilter drops more in it!  Reminds me of the old fairy-tale of the old lady and her "rock soup!"

I also made three sets of binding!  Yikes.  Time to put the walking foot on my machine and get these on the quilts!  This batik quilt is also going to a vet!

Though I love making these quilts for the vets I also want to start working on some more complex/challenging quilts.  I ordered this book for some quilt-y inspiration.  I've been collecting a lot of wool but not using much.  This may be a great opportunity to cut into the wool piles!


  1. How funny! I purchased the same book on Friday at Joanns. I am going to do hand applique with cottons.

  2. Nice work on the quilts for Vets!
    That looks like a beautiful bunch of applique blocks.

  3. I saw this quilt in Paducah one year and absolutely fell in love with it!! I also have the book. I have not decided if I am going to do wool or batiks. Time will tell. Happy sewing!!


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