The first one has the pumkin blocks floating on blue sashing with a thin black stipe inner-border and then a wider red border. (I've also played with making the red border orange...?)

I'm making it for my sister in N.M. My niece and nephew have birthdays on either side of Halloween. I've made a halloween quilt and pillowcases. So this is my project for this year. I know I should just pick one and get going but I thought taking photos and stepping back may help me....now I'm not so sure!
Anyway, back to the why no sewing. The weather here has turned beautiful. Come Saturday the water from the faucet will be drinkable. Since everything else is working ok it would only stand to reason I would get a terriable throat infection, fever, and generally feel like crap. I'm on my second course of antibiotics but they don't seem to be doing much. There is this horrible MS "thingy" - when I cough or sneeze and move my neck forward quickly then horrible pain shoots through my shoulders and arms like I've been nudged by a cattleprod (not that I've ever been nudged by a cattle prod but I can imagine....) I am so ready for this to be over!
My DH says he that folks from work moved a business trip for him so he could be here for a meeting on Monday (he was to leave tomorrow) but I think he didn't want to leave until I was doing better. He gets hubby-points for that. When I am better that equates to a pan of brownies and some Kung Pao Chicken.
I'm so sorry you are feeling so poorly. Can you see the Dr. again regarding the neck pain. Dr. should be able to give you something to decrease the coughing or the muscle pain. Or perhaps a chiropractor. No one should have to deal with that. Re: The pumpkins, I would consider tying some yellow in with the blue and the pumpkins as opposed to the red. Yellow and blue always work well for me. Hope you feel better soon.
I vote for #2, I'd try some orange in place of the red, just to see how that sets off the blue background. Feel better, I can relate-- have had a similar thing-y myself. Good news about the water, though.
sorry you're not feeling good. actually worse than not good. hope you feel much much better soon and I'm glad to hear DH is staying home to take care of you. let him do that tho - not you taking care of him!
I prefer the red inner border, not necessarily keen on the stripey or the blue, for what that's worth...
Get well soon. I like the second option better. It makes the pumpkins stand out more.
If you were asking for an opinion - the first one works better for me. Love the applique!
Hope you feel better soon.
Can I vote too?
I vote for the 2nd option. I love the contrast of the red and the blue being so close together.
Feel better soon!
I vote for #2--this seems to be the winner in the comments. The pumpkin block is fantastic, by the way. I love the colors!
Hope you get better soon Siobhan - of the two halloween layouts I think I like the lower one better but I reckon it would be even better still if you used an orange instead of that red - love the pumpkin! Glad your water's back on - a bit of a stinker though with Severn Trent refusing to compensate as per Ofwat's recommendations especially as their profits are so good this year - yah boo to them! - bet the management board still get their end of year bonuses!
I have to vote with Mrs. Goodneedle, #2, with either the red or orange. That is the cutest Jack-O-lantern! :>
That has got to be the cutest pumpkin block that I've ever seen. So sorry you aren't feeling the best.
Hope you are feeling better soon. I would try the striped fabric for the sashing and then maybe the blue and an orange. It's really cute so far.
Oh I hope you get to feeling better sooner rather than later. Being sick is no fun!
Sorry you're not feeling well! Let's hope this round of antibiotics does the trick. And let's hear it for potable water coming from the tap soon.
Love the pumpkin blocks -- but not sure about your border quandry. Have you tried auditioning some orange?
Water yet? And how are you feeling? I've enjoying reading your blog. Wouldn'tthe plums make good jam? They sure are pretty! And the pumpkins are just so sweet! They'll look great! Bet you're finished, huh? Can't wait to see!
Definite hubby points for your DH! HOpe you feel better right away! I know you'll come up with a plan for the very cute pumpkin thing on your own. It has to suit your eyes.
Wow, tough call, but I think I like the second option best. Hope things get better with your pain. I have a friend with MS and it is such a nasty disease.
I prefer the second arrangement - LOVE the pumpkin block!!
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