Then I made up a little cat-flower pin cushion. Very quick and very fun. It is sitting with my favorite laughing rabbit...he is always the last Easter decoration to be put away. (Some years he stays until Christmas!)

New meds have me a bit off kilter at the moment. I have to cut back on a new pain med since it is making me a bit dizzy (no jokes here.) My husband is complaining there are times I just "phase" and stare out into space (he also claims that is why I burned the block on the ironing board...he may have a point) I'm hoping it is just a matter of reducing the dosage since it started out working well. So until I am cleared to use the iron and the sewing machine without supervision (his word not mine!) I am back to the little non-hazardous projects like sorting fabric...
Perhaps that also accounted for the rotary cutter incident?
I love pansies and their smiling faces. I used to plant the burnt orange ones and the really dark purple ones. They looked great together.
Hope DH lets you back on the sewing machine soon and you get your meds sorted out.
Oh my gosh I love the planting but I really really love the pincushion. So adorable.
Too bad they can't come up with drugs for pain that don't make our heads all Foggy! But at least we know - for now - you're safe for operating machinery.
Cleared for Take Off Love, *karendianne.
Bet your husband is right about the ironing board incident; do take care and hope the dosages get straightened out soon.
Well done on the 4 patches. I've only managed 80 or so with all I have happening here. Hope the meds get sorted out soon for you!!!
You just cannot beat a pansy for cheering up a person!
Keep smiling and the world will look brighter. Your meds will be sorted out and you will be back to sewing before you know it. In the meantime, you are getting many of those little jobs done that we never seem to have time for. Remember, keep smiling!
Little finishes can be big!! I love the pin-cushion. I'm not so sure about that laughing rabbit... there must be a good story there, 'cause he kinda freaks me out! So sorry the meds are giving you fits. Dazed dizzyness is no fun, I'm sure! Just take it easy and enjoy the slower pace.
Hope you feel better soon. You sure do get a lot done even on your meds. I enjoyed my visit.
sorry to hear that you're needing pain meds and that they aren't working properly. better be extra extra careful driving too!
162 four patch blocks instead of 150 - I don't call that iffey math. It will just be eaiser to play with the block layouts. I have been trying to stay away from the Orange Crush Mystery but that is a hard thing to do. Not sure if I will give in or not. Such decisions!
I love the way pansies seem to have little smiley faces,makes you want to smile right back. And the pincushion is really cute, I need to make some like that.
I just adore the picture of Macbeth in the snow, he looks like he's having such a good time, bless him. Hope the meds work out or who knows what you'll do next- setting fire to the ironing board is good blog fodder but we don't want it to happen again....
Love your Pansies, but the snow is not too funny for April! Come on spring, just stay! I hope you are Ok with your new meds and get used to them. Please be careful as you can! Your OC blocks are super, I made extra too.
Have you ever read about the Mannatech products? I've been on them since I was diagnosed (12 yrs ago), they supply the cells with 8 essential monosacharides which all our cells need (Amvrotose). Often when our cells are given what they need they can become healthy again. Just a thought. I'm not on any meds.
Feel well. I believe, like you, that all finishes are good, regardless of size. Your pansies are very pretty!
The pansies look beautiful, as does the pincushion - yay for small projects that get completed relatively quickly :-)
Oh yeah.... those 4 patches are my style!
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