Yesterday I went to my local guild's quilting bee. By the time I got there the heat (100 degrees according to the bank sign) had already wiped me out. I did help vacuum clean the centennial quilt the guild made for the town which is going to hang in the brand new government center.

The quilt has several photos of well know landmarks around the city that were transferred to fabric as well as an early map of the city limits. Crazy quilts were still very popular in this area around the turn of the century so we decided to follow early quilters lead when we designed the quilt. It was also and easier way to incorporate the varied sizes of the photos...The local art association is very supportive of the guild and helps with advertising and set up of our quilt show.

The one below is the same spot but I first used the sephia (spelling?) option then added the aqua tint to make it look like an old postcard. I can spend a lot of time playing with what are sort of boring photos! (time I should be spending finishing that %&@# applique block....I think I raised procrastination to an art form on this project!)