I am a bit "housebound" - fell headfirst into the refrigerator and even broke the top shelf off sending mustard, spagetti sauce, and lots of other condiments smashing to the kitchen floor (which of course means then we had a condiment covered black-ish scottish terrier and brown-ish cat...any hints on how to get mustard out of a scottie's beard - it is vaguely blond and sort of surfer-dude looking at the moment)

All of this was to make space for my latest baking adventure...artisan bread. When my favorite loaf went over $5 last week I knew I had hit my limit and it was time to take matters (or dough) into my own hands. I had seen this book "Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day" on several blogs so thought I would give it a go. It is super easy and even my DH (a bread snob from many years living around the Mediterranean) liked the first loaf! You do need to make space in the refrigerator though...no warning label on that! When I am back on my feet I am going to try a few more of the recipes...
Oooh, sounds painful and colourful! Hope you are on the mend soon.
The book is great. Although I haven't got a copy, I've visited their website and tried the basic mix and it worked really well. Another bread recipe that is dead simple to try is the No-Knead New York Bread.
pulling out the oldies but goodies i see! me too. trying to finish up some old stuff around here,, if only i could get caught up on the hand quilting projects, they seem to get the least amount of attention from me... I love the scappiness of that top Sio. the best for snuggling up in...
This is not our idea of a colorful Fall my friend. Not at all! While I'm here though I saw this quilt top and it stopped me in my tracks! MMMM, I thought this one is rather unique and rather a big huge favorite to see. :) Thanks for sharing. Yummy! As for the bread, well, it dern well better be good after all this. Again, NOT our idea of a colorful Fall!
Paint your Pets with food day Love, *karendianne.
So sorry to hear of your mishap Siobhan - hope you recover quickly - bet the animals thought it was their birthday all those goodies on the floor
Oh, no! Falls can do so much damage to one's bod. I hope you are soon feeling much better.
I couldn't help but chuckle about the mustard mustachioed doggie. It will grow out. :-) You did it good --All that stuff must have been a mess to clean up. ack!
Please take good care. Allow enough time to recuperate well.
Love your scrappy quilt. It sure does feel good to finish up UFO's doesn't it?! Homemade bread is the best - I make that artisan bread all the time. Next you will need a seperate meat slicer just for bread! If you want to clear off a spot on your counter... otherwise a good bread knife is a necessity. Take care and hope you are back on your feet soon.
Cheers! Evelyn
oh no I hope your feeling much better quickly
I love this star scrappy quilt
glad you have it out again!
hand quilting is good for you right now!
you can finish the snow wall hanging for this year.
perfect timing before the first snow!
I hope you are feeling much better and have no lingering problems from the fall.
I love your closet quilt.
Your bread recipe sounds delicious- I have a bread maker sitting in the cupboard that I have been thinking about using- perhaps over Christmas break. I used to make bread from scratch but if I am going to do that then it is a whole day affair and you need freezer space( which I am sorely lacking these days).
I like to make a dozen loaves at a time when I did make bread, so I need a freezer to store it and our freezer needs to be replaced. Thats my story and I am sticking with it! :) Happy bread making!
Warmest regards,
Baptist fans is my all time favourite quilting pattern. The stars in the quilt look great. I have the bread book and have made the recipe many times. Fell better soon.
Sorry to hear about your fall - I feel your pain, as I fell and broke my arm about 6 weeks ago. I'm still healing. . .I hope you're better very soon.
No help on the doggie mustache, I guess it'll grow. I"ll bet they had a fun romp in the condiments!
Love love love your scrappy quilt! Very inspiring.
Ooh, I hope you are feeling better very soon.
The quilt is lovely and well done for getting finished those almost done projects... I should get inspiration too!
The bread looks delicious!
Sorry to hear about your fall - glad you're ok. My two scotties would be glad to lick the mustard out of your scottie's beard :o) Love your quilt - I'm really partial to stars. I should follow your lead and get some of my old projects finished - I've got several just waiting!! The bread looks yummy (I use my electric knife on my homemade bread). Happy Thanksgiving -
Wow..plaids and ohio stars..2 favorites of mine. couldn't be better :-)
Sorry about your fall. I hope you mend quickly.
I love the snow quilt....don't you enjoy making freestyle letters ala
I have a few things on my blog with her letters too.
Happy Thanksgiving and
Happy Sewing
I hope you are on the mend - the falling sucks, but the mental image of your animals licking it all up is great!
I have that book and I was able to actually bake bread, something I was never able to achieve before, so I love it. I can't wait to make more receipes myself. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving, despite the tumble!
OH my gosh, I hope you're okay! Sounds like a bad fall not to mention all the glass. So sorry!
Your bread looks gorgeous! And isn't the taste super!
I hope you are recovering and the color is fading a bit :-) I love that cookbook. Thanks for reminding me. I won't have room in the frig until after Thanksgiving but I'll be making it again soon.
love both these projects. fans will be perfect for that top. love your SNOW - ooh, esp that w.
I love the quilt top -- Baptist Fans will look great on it!
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