First, I have started posting on my other blog again - I'm trying to keep track of some of the "adventures" this year while I work towards sitting for my AQS certification in April.

I am heading out to Houston next week and need to have the dining room and kitchen cleared of all quilting stuff before I leave. So why instead am I putting binding on my tree quilt and teaching my neighbor how to make zucchini quiche (do not try this at home...I am a professional multi-tasker!)
Because as usual my list of things to do has more lines than hours in the day...oh dear, I'm sounding like my Mother....
So I've lined up some boxes and am "sorting" UFO's...yikes! Along those lines, I signed up for Finn's UFO Challenge. I committed to finishing 5 UFO's (binding on the tree quilt, binding my 1930's Traveler Quilt, border and send off the vintage fun quilt, border and baste my Baltimore left-overs, and finally...oh, no...I forgot what I said my 5th would be? I am spoiled for choices on that one!

Along those lines...the photo above is of a couple of blocks I made before going on vacation. Do you recognize them? I know the "inspiration must have come from somewhere on the internet but as I was housebound (bad MS week) for a couple of weeks so I was
everywhere on the net....Since many of you go the same places I do I was hoping you could point me in the right direction. (I like to give credit where credit is due....days spent cruising the Quilt Index and E-bay and lead to quilt-design over-stimulation!)

On another note...hexagons seems to be running rampart in blogdom! Here is a little quilt I made almost 20 years ago (you can tell I was a beginner than so please do not look closely!) It isn't my best quilt but it does make me smile....
Now back to focusing on that list....(which btw gets a check mark on the "post to blog" line...whoo hooo!)