This time I am using the same colorways as Bonnie. It takes some of the stress out of a mystery! I cut up a lot of the pinks that weren't quite right (at least I didn't think they were) for some reproduction projects and leftovers from some Moda projects from years ago. Some of this fabric is more than a decade old!
Things came to a screeching halt last night though...I cannot find my easy angle. Let me restate that - either of my easy angles! (The last time I couldn't find it I went out and bought a backup.) While I was cleaning up for Thanksgiving I distinctly remember taking them out of the basket on the kitchen counter and putting them someplace safe. Ya, good luck with that.
This morning I have found dozens of quilting acrylic rulers in a wide variety of sizes in some of the strangest places but as of yet not the size I need. A quick prayer to St. Anthony and I'll move on to the next step of the mystery and hope he gets on the case for me!
Dobby, our new kitten is settling in pretty fast. Our cats aren't interested in him and have gotten to the point where they will eat in the kitchen while he is eating on the other side of the room...of course Macbeth, my Scottish terrier, sits in the middle of the room like a UN peacekeeper. He has lost 3/4 of a pound since Dobbie arrived - not a bad thing for the old dog.

I am a bit worried about just how big a cat Dobby may turn out to be. I swear he grows by the hour! And his paws are growing at twice the rate of the rest of his body...yikes!
And just for grins..."Rocker Dobby"....

I will give a quick prayer to St. Anthony as well. I am amazed at the things I find when I ask for a little help. I have my fabrics pulled and ready for Bonnie's Mystery, just haven't started. I have been asking myself, "Why do I want to start a new project when I have so many to finish?" But, I would love to use up some old stuff and move it out and Bonnie's patterns help you do that. Good Luck!
Oooo! I'm so jealous! I'm trying so hard to finish Christmas gifts before giving into the Bonnie temptation. Your ten-yr-old pinks are going to be amazing in your quilt. That Dobby is adorable!
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
Oh, wow, your fabrics look beautiful all cut up together! Regarding the ruler - just about the time I put something in a special place, that's when I really lose it. Why is that?
Whenever I put something in a safe place, I never see it again sigh. That Dobby is a real character!
Oh, I love kittens! My son is threatening to bring one home when DD moves next month and takes her cat with her. I told him no...
I pulled some fabrics for Bonnie's mystery and even did a little cutting but I'm being good and not starting until my vacation week after Christmas :) Still don't know what she'll do with that brown and red....Good luck finding your missing rulers. You do find things in the strangest places at your house! Maybe one of the cats absconded with it?
....lol...you are too funny girl!!
I am being nice...I have not 'caved' into the temptation yet. I'm working on my UFO's, but I did pull some pinks and greens for the mystery yesterday. I was wanting to do here Christmas Lights quilt too......sigh
Oh, those 'safe' places are really difficult to locate when you need the hidden item. LOL I started the mystery right away so it could be a UFO (if needed) in the new year. Dobby is adorable.
The last photo of the new kitten made me laugh out loud!!
There are a few things I still haven't found that I put in a "safe" place. They will turn up eventually.
Hope you manage to find your easy angle...We call my eldest Toni (That's Toni with an I and a heart) as she seems to have the knack for finding lost things..she's found things in the most unlikely places! I'll ask her to put in a good word for you! :o)
Any sign of a delivery yet? Should be arriving soon!
I have doubles of a lot of my rulers and sometimes can't find either when I need them. This is my first time doing one of Bonnie's mysteries. Love your fabrics and Dobby looks like he will be fun!
It's not so terrible to have caved in on Bonnie's new mystery! I have been fighting off the temptation, but have carefully downloaded the directions...LOL
I'd like nothing better than to jump right in, I even pulled fabrics for it back at her first post, but I stayed strong and put them away(I'm sure I can FIND them again...LOL) who knows is I can find my EZ angle. Have fun, your colors are great...loving Dobbie..that's another temptation! Hugs, Finn
Dobby is so precious. Did you name him after the house elf in the Harry Potty books?
You're making good progress on your blocks.
cutie pie - I'm so amazed that the girls are ignoring him that easily. much better than battles. I have a drawer that I am no putting all my rulers in - just an itty bitty bit of organization in all this mess.
Sorry you can't find that ruler. I never have that problem as I only own 3, 6x24, 12" sq., 12x6 w 45 angle so I never loose any. I do drool over some ruler collections I see around here.
It's frustrating to lose things, I know, especially when you are so sure where you last had them. I lost my keys once and found a week later in my left sneaker at the bottom of my closet. I'd put them in there after my aerobics class because my hands were full!
Dobbie is so cute. Is he named after a character in the Harry Potter series?
You know I knew I had UFO's that needed finishing when I started Bonnies' mystery but I really wanted to do it anyway and I'm determined not to create another UFO so I'm working hard to keep up.
Gail :)
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