Are you working on your New Year's resolutions? I just about the pro's and con's of resolutions on another site and find myself still undecided.

I didn't do well with my list of quilts I wanted to finish this year. I did get the important ones finished- like my Guild's donation quilt and a quilt for my brother - but I have a lot of "almost-dones" that need to come off the pile. (or in most cases just have the binding put on!)
However I did do pretty well on working towards getting my Appraiser Certification with AQS. I took some classes at Paducah, went on regular rounds of the antique malls, attended lots of auctions and major quilt shows. My application was also accepted to sit the exam in April.

On a totally different note: Dobby is growing by the minute. He cycles through "eat, play, sleep" about every 8 hours. He is getting to be handful but always fun. When he arrived he fit on this little it looks like something from an old B horror flick...the kitten that ate the house!
Look like it was a good year. Congrat on working towards your Appraiser Certification. My quilting goal is to have no UFO in 2011. Hugs
All the best for you and yours in 2011, I hope I can keep up with you and all your wonderful projects. Don't beat yourself up with what isn't done, just enjoy the journey of the ones you are doing!!! xka
get a little tiny bedside table and lamp so that looks like a regular-sized bed and then Dobby would really look huge. Happy New Year! (p.s. work on a quilt for YOU next year)
The years seem to wrap up faster and faster. And no matter how much we accomplish, there is more that we feel should have been done. Don't think there is a "fix" for that.
Dobby is looking adorable, as usual, love the little bed with the BIG kitten....LOL Hugs for a healthy and happy new year, Finn
Great photo of Dobby on the bed..looks like he just ate the occupant!
Congratulations on your Appraiser Certificate.
I don't have resolutions anymore...I decided to call them goals.
Congrats on the application being accepted. That little bed is so adorable - but even more adorable with Dobby in it!
Love the expression "the kitten that ate the house".
Happy New Year.
OK I love Tonya's idea lol.
Happy New Year, Sio!!
Your kitty has such purrrrr-sonality! I just love the name you chose for him too :c)
Wishing you SEW much happiness in 2011!
You did loads of quilting this year! We will always have UFO's hanging around. It's the nature of a quilter.
Little Dobby is sooo cute!
Love the photos of your new kitten.....
I LOVE that evil-eyed kitten in that tiny bed! 8-)))
Happy New Year!
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