There was a post the other day where the writer mused how the two projects on her cutting table sometimes got mixed up. She was going to limit herself to one cutting project at a time. That got me to wondering...just how many projects are currently on my cutting board?

The most obvious is the 6x6 Material obsession project. This had been stalled due to running out of the one consistent fabric in the quilt...luckily a friend had a fat quarter of it which is just enough. (I cut that after several deep breath and as many cups of coffee...)

The scraps from the MO project were used as leaders and enders to make a scrappy spider web (also in on of the MO books.) The scraps got big enough that I did a couple of test blocks yesterday. Jury is out if I like it well enough to finish.
Also am cutting binding for three quilts. The green is for this Spring Winds quilt (that has been quilted for almost 6 months and just needs binding!)

Also in the binding que is a Crab Apple tree and a Scrappy trip around the world. I'm also making the binding for my Q4L which is still being quilted but I want to get it in the mail this week so it will jump the que the minute it is off the machine!

Since I started the CW block of the week on Barbara Brackman's blog it seems like there is always a bit of civil war reproduction fabric on the cutting board.

Last week I made from her blog and another with a print of General Lee. The quilt is going to my FIL and his family is from Virginia.

There is also some black Moda that I am using for sashing on those Halloween Arrowhead blocks.

And some 9-patches from garden-y type fabric left-overs for something in the future.

They may be use as a border or maybe as a quilt of their 9-patches....
As I looked over the projects I asked myself "do I ever mix up my projects?" Of course I do but that is a good thing. How else would I know that a bit of the plaids I'm using in my MO project would work for a CW block of the month and the some CW reproduction fabric is ok in those scrappy leaders and enders. My cutting table is the mixing bowl of my scrappy quilts.
Your cutting table is very similar to mine... and I love the plaid in the CW block! Very nice...
What a great group of projects -- no wonder you don't want to put them away. When I have a project on my cutting board, I always think I'm going to get right back to it, so I shove it aside to make room to cut something else, and it just keeps happening. I'm not so worried about mixing the projects up as I am about accidentally cutting one that wasn't out of the way enough!
So many neat projects that you are working on. Quilting is a wonderful hobby.
It's similar to mine too. I try to keep everything seperate however it always gets mixed up. It all works out in the end though. Hugs
Oh my goodness! And I thought my method was a little disorganized! I don't know how you keep it all straight!!??! You sure are having lots of fun though!
You've got lots going on! I do the same thing. That way you always have something that you want to work on.
btw, met Bonnie Hunter last friday nite. she did a lecture for our guild. FABULOUS!!! She has soo much energy and her quilts are gorgeous. She has got me inspired again to get my scrap basket ironed, cut and organized.
You have a lot of different projects going on! I love the General block!!
Looks like you are one inspired lady! Look at all that activity!
wheeee, look at you go! so productive. Hi, Mac!
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