Just a short post to let you know I haven't fallen off the end of the earth...just feel as if I have.

A respiratory viral infection has me ensconced under 3 quilts even though the thermometer outside is reading 80 degrees. I can't believe there was once a time I liked chicken soup...now I never want to see another a bowl of it...one good thing to come out of this week is I got to eat some of my Walker's shortbread and I still lot 4 pounds. Now how often to you see that in the same sentence!
My only big excitement the past few days was a knock on the door by one of the guys who works on my yard. "Did I know there was a cat on the roof of my house?"
Yes we have another Dobby cat rescue story...the yard guys got a ladder and lured Dobby to the edge with a chicken leg (works every time!) Still have no idea how he got up there.
So I haven't done much sewing...mainly folding fabric, looking through old books and magazine, and organizing photos on the computer (when I can sit upright that is!)
Here is a photo from last month when my guild was selling tickets on our current donation quilt.