I finally got my DH to drive down to Cirencester to visit a local museum there - Corinium. It was really interesting and a very neat little town. We are both reading the Libertus Mystery series (set in Roman Britain) and the first book happens very close to Cirencester. The artifacts and exhibits there also helped visualize some of the book passages as well. The photo on the left is of one of the Roman tile floors that was excavated in the area. I'm adding them to the list of things I need to include in my Cotswold quilt.
Because it gets dark so early I can't drive too far from home right now. Driving in the dark is a bit iffy for me...even with DH driving the headlights blind me a bit and make it very uncomfortable - OK I was holding the door handle so tightly I lost feeling in my arm! DH is not a great driver and it is even worse when I can't see how badly he is doing! Does that make sense?!
I've started pulling together fabric for a color confidence workshop for the new quilting folks. At the same time I am trying to pull together my quilting room. It definatly needs a few more days with long hours! My goal is New Years Day...we'll see...