Yikes I've been tagged by Julie at Feeling Simply Quilty for seven Random Things about me. I'm terrible at these things!
1. I love auctions, boot/yard sales or anything like that. I used to collect anything related to quilts now I am picking up typiclly British things to bring home with me. My latest buy was a light pine chest of drawers to help with fabric storage. The pastel star below is one of my favorite finds!

2. If I were to pick a craft to learn that I don't currently do it would be pottery...or maybe stained glass...or furniture refinishing....
3. My favorite color rose used to be a rosey apricot but now I like the deep golden color that my neighbor in the village grows.
4. I love to bake. I still use the Brownie recipe I got in middle school but I collect recipes all the time. My husband complains that once I get a recipe right I never use it again!
5. One of the things about MS that I hate most is how it has effected my writing and speaking - not sure if it is the MS or the meds I take for it but I feel a step behind.
6. I currently have four projects going on my cutting table; a bright baby quilt; a repro star and hourglass; a red, white, and blue sampler; and a pink and green rose sampler. No problem with getting any of the fabrics mixed up with this lot.
7. I read at least one historical mystery a week. They are like brain candy! Right now I am reading The Traitor's Tale, A Dame Frevisse medieval mystery (I've read a couple others of this series and they are fun.) Also on the bedside table is Medicus, a Novel of the Roman Empire from a new author (at least to me!) Ruth Downie.
The photo below is of Tewkesbury Abbey. I really love how it towers above the town. On a clear day you can see the tower from out little local church. There is some sort of covenant that says that nothing can be built or planted that blocks the view from the church to the abbey.