Just a quick post today. The weather is really gloomy outside and the dog is demanding some attention...so much harder to wear him out if you can't go outside and thow the ball across the fields.
Yesterday I went to the Royal Ascot Races. It would have been nicer if the weather had behaved a bit better but overall it was a nice time. The horses were beautiful however I think we spent most of our time people watching! The outfits went from totally gorgeous to "what were they thinking?"
My favorite spot for seeing the horses was in the paddocks area which is the photo above. Before the race they walk the horses around a few times then the jockey jumps on. The colors and patterns of the jockey's silks is breathtaking at times. (There is a quilt in there someplace!)
My favorite spot for people watching was on the other side of the course by the winner's circle. There the attendees were dresses more like the TV photos (thre are unfortunatley some tacky -no pun intended - areas in the course...my friend who was doused with beer by a drunken 20-something was not a happy person!) That aside, I wish we had come over to the Winner's circle area earlier. No man really looks bad in a morning suit...which I will add to the list of white shirt with jeans, flight suit, and tuxedo.
Black and white with the bright, bright pink was a big color combination for women. My favortie outfit was an aqua blue dress with a black hat, bag and shoes sooo wish I could have gotten a photo. Interestingly she wasn't the prettiest woman there, not the youngest, nor the thinniest...but heads turned as she walked past. Good for her!
Now this is an awfully long ramble on style and clothing from a woman who spends 90% of her waking moments in either sweats or jeans. (as I write this I am wearing a read University of Nevada Las Vegas red hoody sweatshirt, greay baggy sweatpants with the elastic missing at the right ankle, and grey socks that show the London Underground map (never know when you'll need one of those!) I did dress well yesterday though not a stand out by any measure. There was a point in my life that I did really care about what I wore. I had my colors done. I had two suits custom made. I spent outrageous amounts of money on handbags/briefcases/shoes. The 90's were an expensive decade!
Below is another of the village garden's that I love to walk past...

I WANT some of those London Underground socks :o))))))) and what's wrong with sartorially elegant sweatpants with deliberately non-matching elastic in the ankles???
Glad you had a nice time at Ascot - horseracing's not my thing - only been once to the St Leger in Doncaster with work at least 16 or more years ago but boy you're right - those places are wonderful for people watching :o)
did you at least wear a really ugly hat yesterday? or at the very least a baseball cap with aliens on it or something? wish I could send you some of the sunshine we're having here today.
Looooove the thatched roof. To die for. Just what Americans love, right?? Ascot, can you imagine. Thank you for visiting my blog, I think I have some more Jo Mortons to post soon. And a good idea to make the little bag for eyeglasses, I think I'll make one for those too.
At least you weren't at Glastonbury. I think Royal Ascot has got more commercialised over the years which is a shame, mais c'est la vie.
Tag your it! I'd like to know your 7 random things about you.
Have fun!
That's another great quilt to make, the house is so great. I've always wanted to see inside a thatched roof house.
Great post, thanks for sharing such a great social event along with all the style commentary. The English country cottage and garden are fantastic.
I'm just catching up on my blog reading -- love your photos! Ascot, worth it just to see some of the outrageous hats!
And what pray tell is wrong with jeans and t-shirts? If I don't have to be anywhere (and often even if I do) that would be my favorite mode of dress. God help me if I'm ever nominated for one of those "what not to wear" shows!
London Underground socks! I HAVE to have a pair of those!!
Are you Sure that picture of the thatched roof cottage wasn't just a postcard?! You get to walk by that whenever you want? Lucky you!
Love love love that thatched roof house and gorgeous garden. Looks like a piece of heaven.
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