This morning I made blueberry pancakes with real Vermount maple syrup, lots of coffee, bananas with fresh strawberries and english bacon. The blueberries were from France and gorgeous. The Strawberries were picked yesterday in a field not far from our house...most were consumed during the drive home. Due to the lack of water I hadn't cooked in days. This morning I decided to splurge a bit. It helped!
The photo on the left is our village blueberry...a blue bowzer (in the army we called them water buffalos!) There are four of them within walking distance so we are pretty lucky. They also give out bottled water each night at the village hall. I've been really impressed with how helpful everyone is being. They say we may get water in the lines by mid-week that we can use to flush toilets and clean. That will help.

It is amazing how much water it takes to get through the day! We fill the Folgers containers on the left at least twice a day. We have enough bottled water for drinking, cooking and coffee (as noted by other bloggers the latter is an absolute necessity!) At one point my DH threatened to toss my boxes of empty coffee containers. He thought I was planning on building and earth ship or something with them! The first few days of the shortage we gave out most of them to our neighbors. They are large enough to make a trip to the bowzer worth-while but small enough that our elderly neighbors can lift them. I knew being a pack-rat who hates to throw out anything that could be reused would work out someday!

I am working on some Halloween tablerunners. I wanted to play in the bright colors! I'll try and get some photos later tonight.
Checked my mailbox on Friday...still no Harry Potter book...I love Amazon but they really let me down on this one...