Some days no matter how well you plan you feel like just nothing is going to work out...this is one of those days.
Right now I should be quilting in Fairford - a town about an hour from where I live. Last night I packed the car up with my sewing machine, the basket with my projects, a box of books and patterns that I don't want anymore, a folder with directions for a new 12-inch bloock for the group, and a duffle bag stuffed with fabric culled from the shelves of my overstuffed sewing room. The back seat of the car was covered in quilting stuff! I even made a batch of brownies and a Peach Brandy pound Cake and packed them into tins for the group.
So I have all this time to quilt right...wrong! My machine is in the car...both my machines! I told you it was full. So I guess I am destined to spend the day playing in fabric again. Maybe I will cut out a new project or baste a quilt top....

This morning I got up early...allowed myself an entire pot of my favorite coffee (friends just came back from the states and brought me a pound of Dunkin Donuts coffee...heaven!) So far I am on target.....
I drove for about 20 minutes...which puts me in the middle of absolute nowhere. The sun was bothering my eyes so I pulled over to get glasses out of the glove compartment. The engine stalled...I turned the key...nothing. No problem - we have towing. I pull out my cell phone and dial the number...nothing. AHGGGGG.
Now why is it I go for walks/rambles across the countryside and love it. Faced with a two mile hike to the closest phone (at the animal park) I get all tense and angry! By the time I got to the phone I was better. A nice farmer gave me a lift back to the car on his three wheeler so I gave him some brownies (at least I knew I wouldn't starve out there....)
My car is now down the local garage...still full of my quilting stuff. I gave the guys at the garage the last of the brownies and walked another couple of miles through the fields home. All this an it isn't even noon yet!!!
We do have another husban's MX-5/Mazda Miata. The problem is that is an american car so the steering wheel is on the wrong side for the UK. My DH acually likes it that way and can't drive my British car...I can't drive his car! I know some folks and jump back and forth but the one thing my DH and I agree on is that neither of us are one of those folks!

The photos are of a current project. About 5-6 months ago Bonnie showed a vintage quilt on her site. I really like it so have been making half-squares and cutting out 3-1/2 inch squares of repro fabrics. The past fews days put together a few more rows and now am past the halfway mark! I'm really starting to like it again....
Some days it feels like everything's agin us!!!
Oh no! Poor you, it's so frustrating when these things happen.
I hope that you get lots of cutting out/basteing done instead.
It is extremely important that a person can be flexible -- our entire lives require that we can adjust to unexpected events - you performed admirably! I can hear it between your words. Great job.
OUCH!!! Sick cars are no fun. And the folks at the garage have your MACHINES!!! Hey, at least you can play in the stash and enjoy auditioning borders for your lovely quilt!
You made the best of a bad situation and got some exercise to boot! Too bad you had to miss your class :(
I guess I can never move to the UK if there is no DD coffee there. It is a daily requirement for me!
Oh boy what a day! Bet they missed you (and all your scrummy sounding homebakes) at the meeting!!
Awwww... I'm so sorry for you! How frustrating and disappointing. At least you had home baked goodies to bribe the garage men with ;- )
Oh dear, oh my, oh goodness. I can only say, I'm glad it was not raining and that there are nice farmers in the area. I'm sure the brownies were greatly appreciated and no doubt the mechanics will work more speedily on your car because of them.
Really love the new quilt.
You poor dear! Sounds like you're making the best of it though. Hope the universe makes it up to you...soon!
What a frustrating day, but I liked the parts where you kept giving food away, sounded like a children's story. Hope you can salvage some sewing time, though.
OO no poor you . I can't imagine to miss my machine :-)
I really LOVE your quilt. I keep looking at it
You made the best from a bad deal. Your quilt looks great. :-)
D'oh, doesn't sound like any fun at all. I'd probably have taken the brownies home and eaten them all by myself. you're much smarter than I am. the quilt top is lovely.
Poor thing. :( I'm sorry.
Ohhh heavens, what a day you've had. Sometimes you really just want to start the day over again ...
Oh boy!!! I can imagine how you must feel.
Mmmmm, brownies. I just got an idea. Your quilt is to die for!!!
The other thing about the miata is that your quilting stuff would never have all fit!!!! Better to have your car break down that close to home I guess. How incredibly frustrating for you! I love this top you are working on from your reproductions. My fingers are just itching to get back to doing mine.
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