Here is the painting she choose for us to use as inspiration:

Here is my top...

Along the way there were some suggestions and hints - like the 3 minute put your fabric onto the design wall challenge and how to make a basic sketch. All fun. I am happy I got to play with fabrics that I love but haven't worked in any quilts for a long time. (like the large white circles on blue - I almost made it into a bag just to do something with it...this fabric has frequent flyer miles!) Now I am playing with ideas on how to quilt this...I may just use the swirl from the paintings background as inspiration or I may each section of the top slightly different....

I mentioned earlier I was perusing my batiks and trying to decide if they were earning all the space they take up in my stash. I pulled some that I had "real" yardage of (for that read at least a 1/3 of a yard with WOF) and cut some 4 inch strips to make an around the world "quick quilt." The photo above shows 1/4 of the quilt. The girl that walks Mac for me graduates this year so I will give it to her for a dorm quilt.
Other than that it is a quiet Sunday. I am nursing some poison ivy patches on my arm and trying my best not to scratch...ughhhhhh. Before I went out to garden I had put on some ivy blocker cream on my arms and hands, while gardening I wore gloves and when I finished I washed with gardener's soap but still the ivy got me...can you imagine how bad it would be if I didn't do all that! I think I just need to walk near poison ivy for me to break out. I generally do not use chemicals in my yard or garden but for PI I make and exception...that stuff is evil!
Wow, I like this. I have never heard of this type of challenge. Sounds very interesting.
Sorry you got poison ivy. And after all the precautions...just not fair.
Take care of yourself and enjoy the spring weather.
Your challenge quilt if beautiful. I wasn't quite sure what you were doing at first but seeing it put together, wow, very nice. As for the poison ivy, yikes, doesn't sound like fun at all. I've never seen poison ivy and I don't think it grows around here and I'm glad about that after your description of it. Take care and try not to scratch to much!!
The challenge quilt is interesting but I think I like the TATW better, it will make a wonderful gift.
I think you did a great job on the Matisse challenge. I like it a lot! Good for you!
Hope your poison ivy itchiness is better soon...that's nasty stuff! Ugh!
Your TATW will be beautiful - what a wonderful gift!
fun top. ooh yeah, you need to get rid of that ivy.
you did a great job on that challenge! I love it.
Love the quilty work you have going on and oh my... PI. I've not yet experienced that and I hope never to do so.
I like the idea of a quilt for the gal that walks Mac. But who takes care of Brownie? I haven't heard from Brownie in sooooo long! :<
Hey! It looks great! Nice job Siobhan. I find the scraps and pieces to be very comforting. It really hits a good feel to match the painting!
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