I just watched the weather and my just be lucky enough this year to slip up to Boston between storms. Phew! I'm looking at the pile of stuff to pack and wondering if I mail a box tomorrow what the chances are that it will get to Boston before Christmas?
With all the baking I haven't had much stitching time. My Carolina Christmas blocks, bits and pieces have been boxed up to keep them away from Brownie (my cat loves to kidnap blocks and build her own little stashes all through the house...it gets worse as the weather gets colder so you can imagine she is in full pirate mode at the moment.) So I thought I would share some of my Christmas quilts with you....
This is an Amish top that I quilted several years ago and that I put on the bed in the guest room (photos from our guild show a few years ago)...

This folksey Princess Feather also came from Pennsylvania and hangs hangs in the hallway...

The next two I made...my Christmas Sampler

and a wonky tree wall hanging (closeup at the top of the post) went up North to my sister.

Love that Princess Feather quilt. I posted about a red and white Princess Feather back in January. Both quilts are very similar. Merry Christmas!
hmmm, I'd stay put if i were you...
It's a real mess up here... and it hasn't stopped snowing yet... But it is fun! I can smell those cookies all the way over here!
I love the Christmas Sampler, and thanks so much for stopping by and entering my giveaway. Your blog is lovely, and I will read it while I drink a cuppa coffee.
I have been to Georgia. Have you been to Ireland?
Love your wonky tree quilt! It makes me smile. Merry quilting!
Love the tree quilt!
Love your wonky tree quilt.
Mmmmm I can smell that cookies!!
Merry Christmas!!
You know, I wouldn't have thought this of me but I really love that Amish top. Maybe it's because YOU did it or something but it "feels" special. They're all beautiful but your Christmas Sampler got me because it's just charming and I couldn't help it with the Scottie.
I've almost forgotten what a pirate Brownie can be. She totally cracks me up! Spiced up Love, *karendianne.
Love the quilt show...especially the wonky tree quilt, it looks as 'spicy' as the molasses cookies :-) I hope the weather cooperates for your travel plans.
Merry Christmas!
I have been baking ginger snaps today. I love to dunk them in my coffee.....is that a yankee thing? They are so easy and yummy, I too was just wondering why I only do this once a year.
Love the wonky trees.....thanks for sharing!
Love the wonky tree quilt. Is it from a pattern? Stay warm and safe.
I love your tree quilt, I have a tree quilt as a long time project and might just snatch up one of your trees for it. I need to swap out one of mine that did not behave.
Your baking is making me long for cookies but I've had to take out of my diet all sugar and white flour so I'm trying to bake now with agave syrup and whole flour and it's working.... sort of.... I miss brown sugar the most.
They all look so pretty - I haven't even pulled out my one and only Christmas quilt. Maybe after they finish the ceiling tomorrow and I clean up I'll bring it out for the few days we have left before Christmas.
I love the parade of quilts! The tree quilt is awesome. Your cat is so funny, like it was nesting.
Is that MacBeth I see on the Christmas sampler.....very sneaky of him I'd say.
Love all your work....hope you get to Boston.
The Princess Feather quilt is gorgeous but I'm a sucker for anything red and white. Reminds me of the Hawaiian Quilts!
I love Molasses Cookies and I did not make any this year! I'm the only one that eats them so maybe a New Years treat just for me!
I just happened to see your link over on Animal Lover, Quilt Lover's blog. I see we have at least 2 things in common - we both quilt and are owned by Scotties.
Please stop by and visit sometime.
Merry Christmas,
I especially love the wonky trees!
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