I took a break from working on my Carolina Crossroads to make a few heart blocks for the leukemia quilt project. It was a lot of fun to play with something different if even only for an afternoon. I tried a new technique on the paper-piecing (I think I read it in the magazine that Bonnie's article was in but I'm not sure...but I am sure it was in print and not something I came up with!) Anyway, instead of including the outer 1/4 inch seam on the paper you just use a ruler to cut the seam allowance. This is one of those time the photo makes so much more sense....

It just makes less paper to tear away...and that double piece of paper was always a pain. Anyways, it took a couple of trys but at the end of the day I really like this technique.
I am also trying to clear out my quilting room a bit. The thought of packing all this fabric and shipping it yet again is a bit daunting. I gave away some fabric today to one of women in the village and it felt good!

I also went through some of my boxes of vintage fabrics and found these blocks that had been missing since the last move! The one on the right is a favorite of mine...it is about 8 inches square and shid a tiny monkey wrench in the middle and is surrounded by tiny pieces of fabric circa 1870's. Looks just like one of crumb blocks we make now!!!