I have been bad about posting, cleaning house, quilting or just about any responsible thing the past few days....blame it on the weather. We have sun. Beautiful, beautiful sun!

We went on a long walk around Snowshill on Saturday. The woods were filled with wild garlic in full bloom. Boy was it fragrant! Wonderful. We had lunch at a local pub. All and all a great day. I just can't bring myself to stay indoors. I have lots of cleaning to do for visitors coming this month and two quilts to finish. Maybe I'll just walk MacBeth....
As is typical in England they're talking about rain for the weekend so make the most of it while you can - the cleaning will always wait for a wet day :o) I love the wild garlic too
These photos are so gorgeous - I am getting tear-y eyed and how beautiful the green hills are. Thank you.
Seize the day!! Enjoy the sunshine, rain is sure to come and the housework will be right where you left it! What a gorgeous view you had on your walk! Thank you so much for sharing!
The sun is such an elusive thing in the UK, enjoy it while it lasts! Housework will wait, quilting always wins hands down over housework as well!!
Pretty pics! Makes me want to get out and walk...The cleaning can come later?, right??
I too have been spending way too much time in my garden. My house could use a cleaning and my quilting has come to a grinding hault. Hopefully, I'll pick it back up in a month or two.
Ohh yes, walk and share the pictures with us. We'd walk with you if we could.
Enjoy the sun -- we've finally been getting some here as well. Heaven!
I feel the same way about Minneapolis right now - after a long winter and a cold and rainy spring we're starting to have some beautiful days and I want to be outside. Luckily, today I have HeartStrings quilts to ship off so going for a long walk downtown will be *working* not playing and I'll take the scenic route along the river.
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