Resolutions are a lot like lists. I am a list maker. I have a list of all our DVD's on an excel spreadsheet. I have an inventory list of all the items I like to keep on hand in my baking pantry. I make lists of all the diets I have ever tried and of all the quilts I have ever made. So why I wonder do I drag my feet when it comes to making resolutions? It isn't that I don't have goals...they just change more often than any list can update.
But this year is different. In 18 months I will turn 50. I think I have grown up enough to finally make some resolutions...
Don't worry I am not going to bore you all with the details. Just the quilt-y stuff!
First: tame the habit.What, you say? It isn't like quilting is addictive and dangerous...or is it? Don't worry it isn't quilting per say that needs to be tamed but my rather messy fabric, paint, threads, beads, and anything-that- looks-like- it- may- be- fun habit. Put aside I am struggling with the tail end of a move...the amount of "stuff" I have isn't boosting my creativity it is oppressive!
(A lot of you know I have MS...I am now giving you permission to not feel guilty about laughing)...yesterday I feel into a box, which tipped over and I couldn't get out. You see it was one of those tall china boxes that the movers decided to throw my fabric into. There are box towers in my room making it tough to move around. I saw a fat quarter at the bottom of the box and instead of calling for help I tried to reach my short little arm to the bottom of the tall, tall box. In I went...over went the box jamming itself between the bookcase and some other boxes and putting me in such and awkward position I couldn't get back up! Also I was afraid of wiggling too much and taking down the bookcase (been there done that!) So where am I going with this? My "stuff" is not only creatively oppressive it is a bit well, dangerous!
So in the next month I am moving anything not directly related to quilting into some storage boxes and putting them under the bed. A lot the painting stuff and fabric is going to the Girl Scouts (a neighborhood girlscout is helping me with the clean out.)
Second: Take those quilt roadtripsThis is one of those "lists" I was taking about earlier. I want to go to the Quilt Museum in Lincoln, to Houston, and to another American Quilt Study Seminar to name a few. Maybe I can't do all of them this year but I need to pick one and just do it!
Third: Finish my husband's quiltNow I could make a long list of the projects in bags. Cover a page with excuses for abandoned quilt tops. Or even, just bore you to tears with the number of orphaned blocs lurking in my quilting room. think the Island of misfit toys meets Sio's sewing room. The only quilt that really, really needs to be done is the Red, white and blue quilt I have been working on for (drum roll please.....) seven years!

(Seven years and I just searched my all my digital photos files and I can't find one of this red, white and blue....so instead you get a pic of Goldie.) Those of you who have been quilting awhile know what I am talking about. The quilt that you just don't like...don't like the fabrics...don't like the pattern...don't like...just don't like! But he does...a lot. So I am going to knuckle down and just get the d@*&% thing done.
So that is it for quilting resolutions...nothing too serious...the rest of the resolutions take care of that . I am just trying to get back to having fun with my quilting...is that too much to ask?!