Only five days into the month of April and I can scratch one a quilt off of my "to-do" list! This month I tackled the Scrappy Around the World top that only needed two more borders...so it wasn't a big deal to finish even though the border was made up of 2-1/2 inch blocks and a narrow 1 inch white inner-border!
(The free pattern for this quilt can be found at www.quiltville.com Bonnie Hunter's website...sorry I forgot to put this on the original posting!)
Goldie was "helping" show the quilt. She has a particular fondness for 1930's fabrics! The girl knows what she looks good on! BTW this is her kitty yoga pose...

I've been spending a lot of time washing vintage blocks for my quilt guild's show challenge. A woman donated a box of blocks that had belonged to someone in her family. We sorted out some for our silent auction table then are using the remainder for our challenge.

Since the blocks are not all the same...restate - none are exactly the same as you can see from the photos.(Mac gets very photo-jealous of the quilt blocks....) Each block will be put in it's own paper lunch-bag (that can be reuses as a thread/scrap bag in a class or bee!) and quilters who want to participate will just select a bag. The block can be sliced, diced, pulled apart or quilted as is. They can bead it, stamp it, or use it as inpiration for a totally new block. The only rules are the final product must be influenced by the selected block, it must be quilted, and it must be less than 24 inches tall and 24 inches wide (though it can be 3-dimensional or wearable!)

So how does this get to washing you ask? Well, the original quilter smoked...a lot...and later the blocks were stored in a garage. They are all now clean, smell good, and nicely pressed. It will be fun to see what comes out of this challenge!
That Scrappy Trip Around the World is a real beauty. . .congrats on the finish! And Goldie does look so good with those colors. Pretty girl! MacBeth is very handsome too. Those old blocks sound interesting. . .it will be interesting to see what you do with them. Washing is always a good first step with old, smelly blocks. It does make it easier to get inspired! *grin*
I'm a sucker for a cat photo every single time!
I absolutely LOVE that scrappy TAW quilt. One of my favourite designs.
I'm surprised at how much fabric absorbs the smell of smoke - I've had some tops I've had to aggressively air out before being able to quilt them.
My compliments on your work. I'm just getting into this blogging after visiting Bonnie's site soooo often. All of you ladies inspire me. I have a dear friend with MS and I tell her about your trials with the fatigue and she just grins and bears it. Koodoos.
Please tell us how you washed the vintage blocks. I can tell you how NOT to wash vintage blocks.
Loved the quilt you made, is there a pattern out there for it - I'd love to make one. Loved the kitty yoga pose, cats are so funny and Mac, what a doll, of course he thinks the quilt blocks will just show better with an adorable pup in the picture.
Goldie is a star! She'll take the credits for the lovely Scrappy Around the World quilt top. Mac will just pick a block...
Can you please tell How you wash vintage blocks? Ta
oh I love the new quilt you just finsihed.
I want to make one like that.
Love the scrappy look to it and ahhh 30's just make me happy!
oh MacBeth looks adorable with that beautiful block, sounds like fun with the blocks.
Wow love the cat yoga pose!!!!
That first picture looks great...I love how your cat is giving it the "i approve rub"
Well done on getting it sewn together
I Love that Trip Around the World.
I have had that one on my TO-DO" list for a long time....
Got a smile out of the cat in a yoga pose!!! Great Photography... BTW I Love "Mac" too...
We use to have a scottie named Angus McDuff. I miss him.. Never did get another..
Can you believe we woke up to snow this morning!!!!!!!!! I thought we were over that for now!!!!!
What a pretty, little fresh spring quilt! I've made several of these, but every time I see one, I want to make another. Nice job.
What a fun challenge! Your "Trip" quilt is a beauty ~ well done.
Kitty Yoga Pose! OMG. Pick me up off the floor would ya.
I LOVE your finish! It's really wonderful. Even though every finish is a good finish, this one is BRILLIANT.
PS - Love the kitty yoga pose!
Wooo-hoo! Finishing is good!! Very good! Love the yoga pose!
Your Scrappy Trip Around the World quilt is beautiful. The quilt model did a great job. Her balance is excellent. Puppy is cute too.
wonderful quilt, gorgeous colors. and finished? wheeee!!!! Goldie is so gorgeous and what a great pic of her.
ok. 1st. great trip quilt.
2. great shot of your cat!
3. I love love that gold/brown star piece from the donations! great goodies!
4. YOur dog acts like mine do, they sit like kids in front of the camera...
Love, love, love the Yoga cat!
Nice quilt too :-)
I love that scrappy Trip Around the World and Goldie is so sweet. Love that Yoga pose...wish I could do that :-)! Nice to find your blog.
Love the scrap quilt, that one has been on my to do list ever since I did the scrappy bargello of Bonnies. Your colours are great.
Great colours. That cat has definitely got taste!
I love the idea of the challenge.
Love what you've been working on! That quilt just shouts SPRING!!!!! (please, oh please, spring!!)
And it's fun to see your fur babies represented in your pics too!
I have been wanting to do that quilt pattern of Bonnie's for ages. I have a block started. I took it to a workshop and tried to enlist others to do it with me so that I would get it going. I like your spring theme in the colors. Goldies is quite a "ham", as well as MacBeth. The "old" blocks are wonderful to look at, but I know they are not always so easy to sew.
What is it with cats and quilts.......
So lovely!
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