Sunday, July 25, 2010

Not so nice...

I know there are a lot of Gwen Marston fans out there so I thought I would pass one bit I learned while at Knoxville.
A year or so ago Gwen self published this book. It is also available from Amazon but what you get isn't really the same book. What, you ask? The book you get from Gwen is on beautiful, heavy glossy paper which allows you to appreciate the photos right down to the quilting stitches. The book from Amazon is on a lighter, duller paper which distorts to colors and makes most of the quilting disappear. Since this is primarily an quilting inspirational book the Amazon copy is a washout.

I am posting a review on Amazon today but thought it was best to let ya'll know. Generally I am a big Amazon fan. On this one however they really dropped the ball....take the time to opt for the original....


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Thanks for the PSA - what a disappointment it would be to get the Amazon one and then see the real thing.

pajudie said...

Good to know - thanks for the heads up -

Judy in Michigan said...

How do you get the original version? Order from Gwen??? Help!

SubeeSews said...

How can they do that? Isn't that a Copywright infringemment????
I bought the book but I think I ordered from Tonya's site.

Loris said...

Wow! that is interesting info. I wouldn't think that would be allowed. Thanks for the heads-up.
Curious what Gwen thinks about it.

*karendianne. said...

No kidding? I'm a huge fan of Amazon and now they have a be *uncool* in my book. Wow. I'm going to complain.

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Isn't that a printer issue? Amazon doesn't print the books...???

Quilts And Pieces said...

Really? I would never have guessed!

judith lockhart said...

I did not know that! Thanks for sharing because it's a book I'd like to have!

julieQ said...

Oh, sorry for that, and thanks for the warning!!

Lori said...

I would have never known!