It has been hot...hot...hot here in sunny, humid, sticky Georgia so I've been spending lots of time fussin' around the quilt room but not getting a whole lot done. I have however spent a lot of time thinking and planning....

On the quilting front I played with some orphan blocks left over from my Moda phase. (Do you find you go through "phases" where you use a lot of one line or type of fabric then move on...I made three or four quilts from these pink, brown, green and red Modas. I must still love them since I can't seem to part with the scraps!)

I've had this little scottie dog figure on my shelf for years and had the brainstorm of adding a little wool pincushion to his basket...a perfect place for my needle while I am working. Can't tell you how many needles I've "lost" in the regular pincushions....

I'm gradually pulling out the projects from the sewing room and making a list of what I need/want to finish, boxing up ones that I "may do," and putting the "what was I thinking" projects into bags for our next guild sale.
Now a little non-quilt musings...for the past few months I have been going to a really good physical therapist. Besides the fact he looks a lot like a young Robert Conrad (think Wild Wild West original TV Series...) with a Ukrainian accent...he is also very philosophical in his approach to PT.
A few weeks ago he asked me why I fight having MS. It struck me as a really dumb comment and I must have given him one of "those" looks. "You Americans want everything to be perfect and if not you fight it or ignore it...why don't you just accept and work with it." Coming from a man with a 24 inch waist who didn't come to work one day because he has a pimple on his nose this was pretty funny...but it did get me thinking.
My initial approach to MS was an all out battle...I was determined not to change my behavior at all. And how did that work out for me? Not good. I had repeated episodes and my life was pretty much in chaos since day to day my physical capabilities were all over the place.
So change to "I accept I have MS and I am going to fix it!" So I went in search of the magic formula of medications, meditations, nutrients and exercise. Think of Type A personality in search of the Holy Grail, Fountain of Youth or the perfect little back dress....I'm not sure who I drove crazy first: my doctor, my husband, or me. (They both claim the honors.)
What I did not change however was my image of what success would be...this is where that Type A thing becomes a problem. I'm not going to ever be the athlete I was while in the military, nor wear a size 6 (or even an 8!) and I'm certainly not going to stitch another Baltimore Album Quilt but in the past f my MS cure didn't get me to those goals I was moving on to the next "cure."
And when I looked over my turning 50 goals there all those perfect things were just waiting to be abandoned....So I am revamping my list to being more experience vs end result. For instance I am changing my "be able to walk two miles in under 24 minutes" to "participate in PT or modified cardio-aerobics 3 times a week." Instead of "win a ribbon at the next guild show" it is "sign up to do quilt appraisals at the quilt show."
Being less competitive and participative...my new matra...if I only could say it three times quickly....