My best friend and I made these when we were 7 years old! We split up two pairs of doll shoes, some fabric squares, and a marble so that we each had an identical box. Then we painted a rock and added our school photo. I can remember putting these friend/time capsules together. During the summer my family moved to our cottage at the beach and the time capsule was a reminder of my friend...
We did several of these over the years but most are buried in our backyards...What would you put in a friend/time capsule now?
OH WOW! That is rally something special! You are lucky to have a friend that close to your heart.
Your time capsule is a fun walk down memory lane! And it totally brought to mind my best friend when we were 7, and how we used re-enact Cinderella (the one with Leslie Ann Warren) out on her patio...all summer long....we'd take turns doing all the parts, and we'd sing every song! We loved that show....must have been on PBS and shown a lot, cuz we knew every word of the whole thing!
What fun to remember way back when! I don't know what ever happened to that friend, they moved away a few years later, and never saw her again!
what a treasure!
wonder if you friend still has hers too?
What a neat thing to find have you been able to tll your fiend about what you found.
what a super fabulous container of joy and memory!
a time capsule now? quilts and fabric...for sure... ;-)
what a hoot. and look at that, stashing fabric even at that early age.
That is so adorable, Sio! Very clever ideas for 7-year-olds! I hope it is still bringing back fond childhood memories for you.
It's great to look back on those memories. I'm sure when I was 7 I had no concept of where I would be today or what I'd be doing or what my children would be like.
I think if we were making a time capsule today, I'd put in pictures of my girls and my grandson and pictures of my house and cat and things I'd made. Maybe some money too, just in case I had to dig it up in a few years. LOL.
Gail :)
The little shoes look like they're from an Ideal Tammy doll?
I think this is totally cool( your time capsule)- what a fun thing to find- I bet it brought back some great memories for you and your sister.
I am enjoying seeing your Civil War blocks- Hope your husband is feeling better too.
Warmest regards,
Sio, this is so magical. How neat! You've always been so super creative. I'll have to think of what I'd put in a time capsule. It doesn't just come to me. Perhaps if I had a friend to share this with, a delightful, creative friend like you had back then, I might be able to develop something wonderful. What magic! I LOVE THIS POST!!!
That is SO fun! I always talked about making a time capsule when I was a kid, but never actually did. It's really great that you found that (with the help of your sister).
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