Who knew that packing could be dangerous! (I mean packing up my quilt room not packing heat for you mystery fans....)
I was making an attempt to cull some of the fabrics I will never use, projects I will never finish, patterns and books never open...you got the idea...from my sewing room. The photo is the non-dangerous side of the room...this gives you and idea of what I was working with!
Anyway, while pulling a basket from a top shelf the entire bookcase just fell forward. It was all very strang and in slow motion. I also fell backwards and fortunately rolled underneath the sewing table. It was like being in a very odd tent with mountains of fabric falling all around me. I must of screamed because the men working on my neighbors lawn came running to the window and were shouting to me in Spanish while my Scotty dog barked and my gold cat gave me the evil eye for invading her hiding space! Needless to say I am shaken but fine. My neighbor and the yard-guys came in an moved the bookcase back on end freeing me from beneath the table. I was worried my sewing machine was hurt but it seems a Viking can take a fall and keep on sewing!

I am angry at myself though...I was told at least three years ago to put brackets on the wall and to scew the top of the bookcase to them to prevent just what happened. Did I do it? Noooo. Put aside the fact I have MS and really crappy balance, I'm only 5 foot 4 inches so most of the bookcase's shelves are a reach for me! Dumb, dumb, dumb... So my advice - bolt those puppy's to the wall or really hold your ground for built-ins!