I will not make any claims to these being the best nor the most interesting quilts at the show. They are however the ones that caught my eye and came out best in the photos. I was my usual disorganized self and did not make notes...I thought I could just enlarge the photos and read the name of the maker...duhhh, the show labels don't have the names of the quilt or the maker only the number! So my apologies to the makers. If anyone knows their names I would be very happy to post them.
I really liked the use of vertical patterns in this first quilt. It has a tribal or aboriginal feel without being too kitsch. I also love the inner borders that are different

The second quilt (bright green) also has an interesting vertical pattern. I liked the simplicity of the pattern and the balance of the colors.

The theme of the show was architecture. Of course we spent a lot of time checking out any wonky or near wonky houses! This was just a fun quilt. I liked the sunrise at the upper left, the cat at the bottom and the log cabin blocks that seperate the rows of houses.

So totally loved the orange-ness of this little wall-hanging! Beads, buttons, and fuzzy stuff just make you smile!
Woops, off the make dinner...more later!