Yikes...I had so many things to do today. And what did I get done? Nada. I sort of wish I could curl up in the bowl like Goldie....
I had gone as far as taking out my DH's dreaded red, white and blue quilt and made a list of what I needed to do to get it finished. By 0900 I had even cut out a few strips and made my way to my sewing machine. That is when all progress stopped. The gremlins that I thought had been banished from my machine were back...I could not get the needle to center. Duhhhhh. So after a few minutes of playing on the computer I grabbed another coffee and confronted the evilness. Success...don't ask me how? I just hit lots of buttons....

Of course by now we are wayyyy past walk time for Macbeth (the too cute Scottie that rules my house.) So off we go so he can sniff every mailbox, street pole, and fence that he sniffed yesterday. When we got back I raced to the sewing room. Then bammmmm...may sewing machine went gangsta' and shot me. (at least that is what if felt like!...not that I have ever been shot but you know what I mean...)
While I was on the sniff patrol with his highness the power had gone out...then came back on again allowing the gremlins to take hold of that needle and put it right over the foot again. When I put pedal to the metal...well the needle went to the metal and then right into the middle finger of my left hand. Now I am pretty good with math but I still can't figure out that angle...that gremlin can fade a shot like Tiger and with almost as much power cause that little tip of a needle went way in there.
So by 1000 my day was shot...no pun intended. I was supposed to be cleaning the house finishing a baby quilt for a neighbor, and meeting my Dh for lunch to celebrate Fat Tuesday. Instead I made a quick (as quick as it ever can be) visit to the emergency room where the doc used the coolest long tweezer that sort of locked (so many fun uses I could have for that tool in my sewing room....) My lunch ended up being a banana split at the funky icecream store because don't you always get icecream after a doctor's visit?

The good news is Merry Maids were here just last week so the house is clean enough...though is is my older sister...wooops. Tomorrow I meet her up in Charlotte (with a side visit to Mary Jo's.)
(photo above is from the retreat last month...I love the color in that border fabric! It is on my list for tomorrow....) Hopefully a more quilty post later in the week....