On Saturday I actually finished this week's civil war block of the week. One more overdue block and I am caught up! (note to self - do not fall behind again!)
I also finished a little quilt top for my sister. Sort of for my sister...she attends a law library convention each summer and they have a "craft court" that collects blankets and quilts for a local hospital. My sister doesn't quilt so I am helping with this project. Since taking the photo I've pinned it and started quilting...should be done by the end of this week...

Sunday went to preview an auction that advertised several quilts (they are ok but not too exciting.) I may go to the auction on Saturday as much to see a huge signed Edgefield pot made by Dave around 1860 go on sale. It is an amazing piece of Southern history.

So I've gotten over the whole AQS thing (sort of) and mailed off the application to retest next year (deadline was today.) I'm putting together a plan but a lot rides on what my DH's schedule for the next 12 months...it is all in flux right now. But, if I waited for everything to be settled in my life I could never plan for anything so off I sent my application....
Those of you that know me know my response to crisis is to cook...or more accurately, bake. So yes, as I've been making my decision I've spent more time than usual in the kitchen. So my path to recovery was sort of like this
(sung to the tune "twelve days of Christmas....)
twelve dozen biscotti
eleven pints of pickles
ten pans of brownies
nine batches of muffins
eight banana breads
seven pecan pies
six boxes of fudge
five zucchini quiche...
four chocolate cakes
three linzer tortes
two vanilla flans
and a strawberry almond cheesecake mess....(yum...)
Got to go waddle off to the sewing room now....