I interrupt this stream of Paducah posting for a brief technology rant....urgghhhh. Thank-you, that feels better.

I'm sure you are familiar with the Peter Principle (all managers are promoted one step beyond their competence level...sometimes this is also stated as it is easier to promote someone than demote them.) Well there must be a similar phrase for technology. There is a point where getting more devises, or switching to a devise that does more, or just doing more with the devises you have actually starts to make life harder not easier.
Just look at the sheer volume of what I brought on my roadtrip- laptop in a padded bag with cords, two cameras with connection cables and power cords, cell phone with charger, a kindle with cable charger, my Tom-tom sat nav with cables, an IPad (only used one night while studying), and a portable printer with cables and paper (never unpacked from the car.) I'm beginning to miss the days when having a beeper and a telephone card was considered enough....

And who know hardware could impact things like emails and posting so much. I figured...I'm using the same camera and going to the same blog so it would act the same. Oh, no...the photo management software in each piece of hardware I have is different soooooo
Anyway, if my posts for the last week have looked a bit different...that is the reason. At some point I will either figure it all out of try to go back to a simpler time...in the meantime due to this techno-juggle I have lost about 50 photos and maybe 5 hours of my life that I will never get back....

Thank you for listening/reading....I do feel better now....we will be back to regularly scheduled quilt postings tomorrow....
I must say when my computer was broken and I didn't replace it for a few months I felt oddly liberated. I fell behind on reading blogs, but I got so much done!!
ps am I sensing a bit of a color theme to your purchases?
I agree - seems many conversations are totally about technology, not about a friendship. There is a lot of "can you hear me now" conversation. And when some people have 2 or 3 different phones, THAT leads to MORE waste of time, not less. Usually, I don't even carry my cell phone. I don't WANT anyone to call me at times.
I tend to travel light ... A cell phone, camera, and the iPad. If I'm going to be on the beach the Kindle comes but otherwise it usually stays home.
i would have to agree with you, when we go traveling or even camping my husband wants to lug the laptop & cords, the gps & cords, the camera & cords and charger, the cell phones & cords.......Dude you just filled up an entire suitcase!!!! Grab one phone, the gps, and the camera, and make sure it is charged before we go! Sometimes that is even too much, give me my camera only and i am a happy camper!!! One day I will find something that takes the place of 10 other things I own.
Isn't it amazing how much "stuff" we cart around on vacation. I even bought a new, smaller, cheaper lap top just to load all pictures on. And guess who left the extra camera battery in the first hotel room. And I never could get my camera to recharge the rest of the trip, making the new computer totally useless! And I still haven't found my MP3 player. Sigh. Hang in there!
I am technologically challenged. Good thing my husband is a whiz - or the only electronic thing I would own is my sewing machine!
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