Last night I got run over by a reindeer. We.., not so much run over as knocked me into the car and rolled me down the driveway. No, I have not been hitting the spiked eggnog early...we had a really bad storm and during what I thought was a lull in the wind and rain I went out to my car to get some books. Unfortunately just as I opened the door of the car the winds came back up with a vengeance. The seven foot plastic-blow-up-Rudolph in my neighbors yard decided to fly....
My DH wanted to know if I needed to go to the Emergency Room...for a nose bleed? No way...besides, who wants to admit they were mugged by a flying reindeer....add to that, my nose is all scraped and red...the jokes would be just too much....
As I've been sewing on this year's mystery I've also had a leader and ender project going.
This is based on another Bonnie H. design. (don't have the book handy right now...sorry) I'm not making string blocks for the side but instead am using an assortment of grey fabrics...I want to highlight the fabric in the center and all the tiny 4-patches...Anyway, I think all the leader and ender may be slowing down my mystery quilt...I'm not nearly ready for today's next step!
Scituate, MA lighthouse
Loving it so far. Hope your nose heals soon. You might be able,to help Santa out this year lol. Hugs.
So glad the flying reindeer didn't do any more damage! Though it's not funny, I can't help but chuckle at your description of the attack! Stay safe, and stay away from those flying reindeer!!!
You must admit, you have quite a funny story there, even if it isn't really funny. : (
I really like that leader/ender project. Seems like I have considered making it--without the strings. The gray fabrics really shine a spotlight on the center piecing. I like it!
Oh, you gave me a big belly-laugh ! So funny. Reading this and the letters to santa in our local paper, this has been a mighty jolly morning.
Oh yeah, there was some piecing shown too, wasn't there. Sorry, you distracted me for a moment !
I really like those blocks. I pieced some blocks this past week with grey as a background also, and just love how it makes the colors pop, don't you.
Feel free to come and have a look at my "Christmas Roses".
LOL, sorry at your expense. Hope your bumps heal quickly. The L&E project is marvelous. The gray was a great choice.
That reindeer episode sounds just w-a-y too funny!
Oh, you poor baby. To be attacked by a blow up reindeer will make for a great story in your old age. Seriously, glad to hear that you are OK.
Oh, no, so sorry about your fall but glad you weren't too seriously injured. Who'd have thought?? Merry Christmas!!
The mental images of this reindeer attack leaves me smiling. I don't want you hurt with a scraped and bleeding nose...but it is kinda funny!
The wind has been bad here as well. I'm very glad it was not more serious and I hope you feel better soon.
There is a song about that isn't there. Great tip on the grey instead of the string blocks, I was looking at pattern today and balked at the thought of another string block.
man, you just can't catch a break. hope you're doing better now. cute blocks!
I shouldn't laugh...really I shouldn't, but that is a cracking story! Hope you are feeling better now!!
HI -- I am wondering where you got your pattern for the chubby sheep pincushion??! Just love it and would love to make some!
You did what with a plastic reindeer!! ;) Poor you! Hope you're not too bruised!!
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