At any given time I have 40 plus quilt-tops waiting to be quilted. One of my goals this year was to get that under 30. I'm doing that through a combination of donating and finishing...and of course not starting any new projects (ok...fewer projects!)
As part of the finish effort I've been making backings and matching them to quilt in the "to finish pile." After getting a backing they move into one of three piles: send off a long arm quilter; machine quilt myself'; or hand quilt. Obviously I'm being very selective what goes in the third pile as they one takes the longest!
When fabric goes on sale is when I buy backings for my quilts. Rarely do I buy a specific back for a specific quilt so there is a lot of sorting matching go on! Last week during a local "mother's day sale" I found some great fabric for less than $5 a yard!

I also found a special case...I brought my Charleston Baskets to the long-armer to have it basted! Then it goes into my hand quilt pile. I don't like pins when I quilt in the floor hoop but my left arm isn't strong enough right now to baste (and who want to use all that great hand sewing time for basting!) So when I was reading Bonnine H's blog the other day it reminded me that she bastes on her I'm giving it a try. It may mean that the C.B. isn't ready for the October show but it is more important that the quilt turns out the way I want it to. As far as backing for this quilt...I thought I wanted a red and black fabric...instead I ended up with a red, yellow, black, green and blue fabric with lots of leaves. Some things just can't be planned!
I did drop off two others to be long arm quilted. It is a little nerve racking to hand off a top to someone else but I am sure she is going to do a wonderful job!
Carnival Corn
Ribbon Candy (in-process...)
So both Ribbon Candy (B.H.'s Smith Mountain) and Carnival Corn are out the door. I hope I get to put binding on them this least before the show in October...and hopefully not the night before they quilts get turned in for the show!
Now off to work on machine quilting another around the world quilt....