Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Just a bit of stitching

I feel like I am making progress...just not sure on what!  So it  felt good to take a few minutes and make this block for V (15 Minutes of Play) who is putting them together for a good cause.

The past few days I've tried 15 minutes of quilting each day and have been able to get a few more UFO's quilted.  Now I am having to make miles and miles of binding.  Zikes!

Also, I sewed the last tumble in my leader and ender project.

Today I pressed them and started putting the rows together.  I may even have this done for Halloween!  This will go into my pile of projects for me to experiment my own quilting...like I needed more test subjects!

Weather here is either rain or wicked humidity...I'm ready for autumn!


Vic in NH said...

What a lovely group of posts of yours that I have just read through! Your blog always inspires me, thank you for showing all your wonderful projects!

Loris said...

Good work on your UFO's. Those miles are covered a step at a time :-)
Love the tumbler quilt! I love those quilts with these individual shapes. Lately I 'almost' got hooked into apple cores and clamshells.

Janet O. said...

It is amazing what gets done in small, steady bites.
Done by Halloween? Wouldn't that be rushing things? I like to get my holiday projects finished a month or two after the fact--at least that is what you would think, judging by my pattern of finishing.
Those 15 minutes of quilting each day, and the stack of victims will make a difference. It did for me. : )

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

thank you Sio!!! I appreciate your block!!! Looking good!

sewkalico said...

Your Halloween quilt is super cute. Some days I am lucky to get 15 minutes!!! :)