Yikes, I didn't realize how bad my eyes had gotten until the steroid teatment kicked in late yesterday! Life is good! Better living through chemistry from a woman who only a few years abo wouldn't take more than an aspirin and a vitamin! I was convince cranberry juice could cure anything...
Spring has hit Augusta early this year. We are still a few weeks away from the big event - Masters Week - and some folks are getting nervous. If it stays warm the bushes may peak too soon but on the other hand we could get a cold snap and the buds will freeze...all in the name of looking good on television! I hate to sound cynical...the course is drop dead gorgeous and it is run so civilized even non-golfers can have a good time. (What other sporting event can you get pimento cheese sandwich, a beer, and a bag of chips for under $5.)Of course it is almost impossible to get a ticket without planning at least a year in advance....personnaly I'd prefer to go to the Quilt show in Houston.
I got lots of fun fabrics in Charleston that I am slipping into the house each day. Makes no sense since I have piles of fabric to give away that I bought years ago but who needs to make sense when it comes to fabric anyways! I'm not being quite as strict on my fabric culling as I first wanted. I was tougher with the books since I can get so many ideas from the internet. Most of the books will go into storage...it is funny how I seem to pull the same ones out all the time anyways! The ones that are beside the bed come to England with me - obviously they are my comfort/inspiration reads!