So off the the Office Depot I went. This is one of those things that makes not sense to me at all...it was less expensive to buy a keyboard with a new mouse than the same brand keyboard with fewer features by itself. I know...quite complaining! The bottom line...the new keyboard and mouse is so much easier for me to use. Maybe I will break down and replace the monitor with a larger screen for when my eyes go wonky...

Next the chocolate mug - maybe you have seen the recipe for a Chocolate Mug Cake in blogland. I think it was on Paula's but also saw it on the Quilt Gallery Newsletter. It really peaked my interest...chocolate cake for one "baked" in the microwave? I had to try it.
My first one wasn't a big success. I don't think I got it all mixed together enought. So on my second try I put all the dry ingredients in the mug then in a seperate bowl broke the egg and mixed in the oil and vanilla. Then I used a tiny whisk from the liquor cabinet to mix the cake...much better. The recipe says the cake will rise above the rim of the mug...they are not kidding! It almost touched the ceiling of the microwave! (I think I may make this with my nephew at Christmas...sort of looks like it is going to grow so tall it will topple over.) The consistancy is more like a teacake or bread than cake but it is good all the same (particularly with a bit of butter pecan icecream on top!) A warning...tip the cake out onto a plate while it is still hot and immediately fill the mug with water. Cleaning the mug was a bit of a challenge...I wouldn't use a mug you are too attached to....

I just finished reading Barbara Kingsolver's Prodigal Summer. She is one of my favorite writers so I am not sure how I missed this one! Anyway, I would definately reccomend it.

Have you ever tried a Wacom tablet? I work so much with graphics that I could not live without mine. I spoiled myself with one.
Okay, you've peaked my interest. I need the recipe.
I love Barbara Kingsolver too, but haven't read her latest one yet.
What is Paula talking about? ( Wacom tablet )
Now THAT is why I won't teach DH to use the computer!
I have been told that putting the keyboard in the dishwasher and running the washer on normal or eco works, but daren't try it so can't recommend it.
Would love that recipe for the cake. Sounds right up my street and I'm sure DD would love to make it.
What's a Wacom tablet?
Love that block first of all. Can't help it! I've enjoy Barbara Kingsolver's writing as well. Good reading! And as for the keyboard...what a story that is. Even ontop of MacBeth's head. Poor buddy...
Love, love, LOVE your kitchen themed Christmas tree! I've wanted one of those for years, since seeing one on a holiday house walk. The tiny rolling pin and mixer are soooo cute!
I had the same experience with my keyboard and a glass of Sprite... hey the new keyboard was so much fun! Gotta let the kids try the cake... Happy holidays!
Now come on...An old shoe would taste good with Butter Pecan Ice cream on it! Thanks for the tip on the book too. I need a good read.
Merry Christmas.
Love, simply love that lil' tree. Are the electric mixer ornaments available somewhere?
Wonderful 9-patch!
I remember when that recipe was posted-glad you had fun with it-glad a new keyboard proved easier for you too. I highly recommend a larger screen-it's heavenly. the yellow for those centers looks perfect, nice hand stitching project.
LOL - about the keyboard - been there, done that. It was a full cup of latte. My boss was NOT impressed (at work - of course!). After pouring the rest of the coffee out of the keyboard into the garbage pail - he took it to the kitchen and rinsed it well with cold water - that's all it really needs - but it's important to do it quickly - as the milk and/or sugar could gum up the works. After it dried out completely - we put it back on the computer - and it worked perfectly. However, there was one tiny problem. The next day, when I booted my computer (bear in mind this was several years ago) - it stopped with the words "Where's my coffee?" on the screen. (My boss's way of getting back at me for the coffee in the keyboard...)
Our family calls that recipe "The World's Most Dangerous Chocolate Cake" bacause you are just minutes from eating chocolate cake at any time!! LOL Use a bit of borax (20 Mule Team) to clean that cup. Borax will clean everything in the house from the grout in kitchen counter to the toilet. No scent, no residue, no problems
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