I think I bought the Dresden plates at an antique show...though it may have been ebay. It was at least 12 years ago. Since they are from the 1930's what is an extra decade or so...) Anyway, I used ecology cloth which is a medium weight muslin that plays well with feedsack. I have a couple of feedsacks to use for the borders but I just don't like the flimsey yellow fabric in the center that is machine hemstitched appliqued. The rest of the block is hand done and to be honest I'm not sure the centers that don't have a seam allowance would make it for another dozen years. So way back when I went in search of the "perfect" yellow fabric to applique over the nasty center...perfect is hard to find.
So this project has spent many many years in a shoebox. It has traveled with me from Maryland to South Carolina, South Carolina to Georgia, Georgia to Massachusetts, Massachusetts to Gloustershire England, and England back to to Georgia again. If these blocks could get frequent flyer miles we could go to Houston next year for free!
Well hang onto your seat...I found the perfect yellow fabric in one of the most unlikely of places. My husband's closet. OK, it wasn't really his closet. It was a box of his clothes I was unpacking from the move. An old yellow cotton shirt. (Thank you Bonnie Hunter for this inspiration!) I thought about it for a minute - I hadn't seen him wear it in years...it is pretty worn around the collar...there is a button missinng...RIPPPPPP. This shirt is now fabric!!!! The perfect fabric!

So now I have another hand sewing project that should take me through until my sewing room is up and "fully operational" again. (fully operational is to be spoken like the emperor in Star Wars when he boasts about the "death star" - this is a wierd thing my DH has started doing when talking about my sewing room....)
I just love it when thing work like that!! Actually, it's fun to go through old projects you haven't seen in a while. Kind of like re-connecting with an old friend, re-living old inspirations!
rrrrrrip! Way to go, Siobhan!
It was worth the waiting! God job.
Oh those blocks are so fun! And the yellow shirt is perfect!
keep stealing clothes from DH and that might motivate him to get you everythign you need to be fully operational. cabinets AND the sewing table. hee hee hee.
Nothing like moving to find the hidden gems at the back of the closet...both blocks and shirt :o)
RIIIIPPPPPP! Great sound. Especially when it's someone else's shirt VBG.
Oh, I love Dresden's! I just finished piecing a small Dresden quilt top and am hand quilting another. Can't wait to see how you finish yours.
I've been reading your blog for the better part of a year - and decided it was high time I commented. Love seeing what you come up with all the time! I love old quilts and I love to see them come to life after so many decades!
These are just beautiful. Go on finish!!
Yes, that is the perfect fabric! And it will make the blocks even more yours!
Those blocks are so fun...love dresden and amazing!
I love all quilts and love come what`s new.
Happy christmas and Nice anew year!
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