No this isn't a political discussion about Texas and out southern neighbors (sorry Lou Dobbs...though he might like this quilt?!) I've posted about my border-phobia...I love them - think all quilts should have them - have a really tough time selecting them. A significant number of my "almost finished" quilts just lack that last step...

So I'm working on the dreaded RWB...the question is to add the woven border or just stop at the red...what do you think?

A quick disclaimer/tip...I love the way woven plaids look, but I usually advise new quilters to steer clear of them. I always wash them first (usually hand rinse and them delicate cycle in the machine) and almost half of them never make it into a quilt. The problems: so much shrinkage the fabric becomes too rough; so much fraying I worry it will not hold a seam; so much dye lost or shift it no longer has the colors I originally loved. I did wash this RWB plaid. I then ironed it with a bit of sizing. When I iron I follow the lines of the plaid to keep them straight...think of it as if you are ironing a quilt top and want to keep it square. I also only cut these looser fabric with scissors. (If it is a wonky quilt then I use rotary cutters, but on this one I want it to be more controlled...remember this is going to a guy who presses his cotton T-shirts!)

Spring is really here today....lots of sun. We have some bluebirds and cardinals living near us. The colors are wonderful! Here is one photo...I so need to get a better lense for my camera....
I really like the blue plaid for the final border. It compliments all the piecework. I know exactly what you are talking about with the wovens. I am hand quilting a quilt that has some of the Daiwbo Taupes that are woven. They do feel fragile compared to our regular cottons.
Since you have prepped it I hope it will behave.
Irons his cotton t-shirts? A man after my own heart. My father was the same way...only I did the ironing. He wanted creases in his boxers and of course creases in the bedsheets. Fond memories...he was in the Navy.
I'm going to go the other way; I liked it when you stopped at the red. I'd say to put the woven on the back of the quilt.
I'm with Paula. Wovens are touchy and since you are dealing with a picky sort of guy, why ask for trouble? Besides, I really think it looks better without the plaid, as that seems to take it into a bit more of a country look.
I think it looks best with just the red. I love the plaid, but it seems to me to be a bit too geometric for this quilt.
I vote for ending with the red and Putting the plaid on the back if you have enough.
I like the blue plaid - it really finishes off the quilt.
I'm going with the blue woven border. It's the icing on the cake! :)
I really like it with the blue
the blue finishes the quilt off and ties in all the colors for me.
just mho!
Sans bleu.
Your DH irons his T-shirts??????? I'm surprised mine even knows where the plug for the iron is!
I love the blue plaid - I think it adds the perfect touch. mahvelous. uh oh, you got votes on both sides - that can't help any except to say there is no right answer.
Tee Hee, I have embraced "no borders." Apparently any day of the week, I'd rather have more blocks.
You are so brave to use that plaid...
That plaid is absolutely perfect! And great *border control* hints...thanks for sharing!
What a darling little welcome for Springtime. No signs for us yet...but I'm waiting for the Blue Jays to come. They're always our first sign...then it's the Robins. ;-)
Happy weekend!
I would stop at the red. The plaid is a little distracting for me from the main body of the quilt. I think the red border is perfect. But that is just me!
The plaid really sets off this quilt!
HI Siobhan,
I like the blue and the way it ties it altogether. I have not worked much with plaids so I am not sure what will happen to it when the border is applied but it sounds like you have made the necessary accomodations to support it while you are putting it together. Once it is quilted , the quilting should add stability to it would be my guess...
I am with you about borders- to me a quilt is not finished until it has a final border so I would feel the need to give it some sort of frame..
I look forward to see what you finally decide..
Oh it is absolutely wonderful! I just love it!
I love that border myself and oh that littel birdie is so cuteamous.
Love the border you chose for this one. Keith is 6'4" so I'm always having to make his quilts oversized too!
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