I am moving along on my journey to get certified as an AQS quilt appraiser. This week I saw two quilts for a client (only appraised one) and made appointments with with two more clients for when I come back from seeing my Mom up in Boston. So far all the quilts are antique but I am sure I will have a chance to work on new quilts soon. All good!

Yesterday was my guild's weekly morning bee. I brought a couple of boxes of fabric from the second hand stash pile. It was divided up among the charity projects. There is still a few boxes in the library...I think like tribbles the fabric is multiplying...
Then last night I went to the library and took down our displays. Isn't it amazing how long it takes to put these up and how quickly they come down. In less than 30 minutes the quilts, hanging implements, and decorations were packed into three carryalls. While taking down the display we got lots of nice comments from the folks working at the library. They have asked us to do it again next year! (Next time we should have a lot more advance notice and be able to plan better!)

I can't believe I haven't posted my little quilt find from Paducah...I bought this from a man who sells quilts from the back of a van near the Quilt Museum. I have drafted out the pattern, made a top, and hope to quilt it while I am up in Massachusetts next week. The alphabet embroidery is also part of the quilting so I have been debating the best way to mark the letters...

Well off to do one of my least favorite things...look at new cars for my DH. No offense but spending a sunny day with car salesmen is like poking a stick in my eye....I would so be so much happier sitting on the porch with Tom the cat....
Pretty little quilt! You can mark out the letters with a gold Caran D'Ache pencil sold at Pearl's art supply stores. Use the gold or silver only. The other colors have pigments that will permanently stay in your fabric.
I agree, I'd rather sit on the porch stitching away :-)
Love the quilt. And here I thought I was so original doing the "embroidery" as part of the quilting process. I gotta see this little quilt one of these days - it's wonderful. Now where did this new cat come from???? Just make sure the new car will hold a set of golf clubs!!
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