Pity purchases can go two ways. First, is the really beaten up quilt top found at the antique mall that I don't really need but it soooo needs a good home. A pity purchase of which I have a closet full. The second is when I come home after a doctors appointment and think I deserve a treat so I go online to Amazon or any of a dozen fabric shopping sites. A pity purchase arrived today in a big box from Amazon!
I can't wait to dig into these but my rational was I would need lots of reading material for next month when I am laid up for a couple of weeks. Ya right, like I have that sort of self control! I'd have been better off if my DH had found the box and hid it for me!

Today was my guild's daytime bee. It was held at a local quilt shop, Jeff's Sewing and Vacuum. While I was there I picked up some Christmas fabric to make some table runners...

I like the way they look "modern" while still having traditional colors. Good match with my Santa (who yes, has been out since Christmas and will most likely stay out until next Christmas....)
This year I am planning on making a lot of my gifts. I already have a couple of quilts ready. I have several bags cut out for nieces and I have been saving jars to use for cookies and spiced pecans during the past year. Now some of you are thinking - she is already planning for Christmas?! I'm told my Grandmother started planning for next Christmas on New Year's Day so I come by this naturally. Even now dinner on the 26th of December is like an after action report...what comes off the buffet menu for next year's Christmas Eve (big party) because it was too much work or didn't get eaten, or what do we make more of because (heaven forbid) we ran out!
Planning is good...now what I actually accomplish? We'll see!