Had a very productive National Quilting day...I'm thinking it was the big bright moon that made it so because I haven't been this organized in a long time! OK, maybe not organized...but I got a lot done!

First, I went digging through the quilt-tops to find one that I could finish-up and send to Quilters Newsletter who is rounding up quilts for the Japanese effected by Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear event. The one above was made with lots of Moda fabrics that I used in many quilts. Not sure why I didn't finish this but now seems like a perfect time. I realize quilting this will do as much for me as whoever receives it...watching the news makes me feel so helpless and hitting the donate button on the Red cross site only alleviates that feeling for a few hours. But making a quilt - that keeps me busy for hours which are hours I'm not glued to the cable news harbingers of doom.
Also, last year I committed to making a quilt for Quilts 4 Leukemia. I finished the top yesterday! (The blocks are a bit larger than the ones I've sent Clare and added with sashing and a wider border it is large enough. Also, this is as close to a two color quilt as I can get....)

My DH says it is his favorite quilt yet...I got a long speech (diatribe perhaps?) on using bright colors and making more graphic quilts. He wants to ban brown from my quilts...ya, good luck with that one!

And wait...there's more! I like trying techniques that take difficult looking blocks and make them easy. This arrowhead (?) block was in a magazine this past year and I tried is using some of my Halloween fabrics. It is fun and does make doing these side triangles idiot-proof. Since our quilt-show is in mid-October I am putting 12 of these blocks together for our silent auction table....the blocks are finished (14..lost count) and should be a quilt top by the end of today.
Macbeth is playing the quilt inspector and checking those 1/4 inch seams and triangle points....

Dobby rearranges the blocks...

The entire household was "helping" me quilt.....
Wow... are you being productive! I especially like your helpers!
I love bright colors but I think I might be able to find one or two brown fabrics somewhere in my stash...
You're right about "staying busy"... it does help keep from getting down about what the Japanese people are suffering through right now...
Yes, you were very busy! :)
..also to your assistants ! :D
Goodness you sure DID get a lot done! YEAH! And oh such beautiful quilts.
WOW you were very productive. Wonderful quilts!!
Fantastic!! Such quilt abundant action in your house. Super tops!
gotta love productive days, and I have helpers like yours too. Eli Mae is my block rearranger!!
With help like you have, how can you not get a lot done? After all, four hands, I mean paws, are better than two paws, I mean hands.
I know what you mean about wanting to something more than just make a donation but it does all help. I might just look through my tops and see if there's one I can finish up and send too and I'm doing a giveaway on my blog for donations to the Red Cross. It all helps.
I've done 3 quilts I think for Claire's Quilts for Leukemia but none of them we're her traditional red/white. Yours is lovely.
Sio - it's gorgeous! Thanks so much.
Great job Sio! We need more of those National Quilting Days,right?? The tops are gorgeous and I know the quilts will be loved by whoever gets them. Feels good to be so productive, doesn't it? Hugs, Finn
Now I know your secret....Dobby and McBeth quilt for you you good plan. I need to teach my boys how to quilt. On a serious note I LOVE the halloween pattern that's really a cool block.
Hi, I,m just busy doing that arrowhead quilt block too! Isn't it so easy? And it's great for using up stash bits.
whew!! i'm tired just looking at all your work. I'm pulling one from the vault to be quilted for Japan too. It's a terrible situation. Didnt know you had BRIGHTS in you ! they look great.
The news from Japan is so sad, and you've motivated me to think of a quilt I could make to send to Japan. Touching many starts with touching one...
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
Glad that big bright moon worked in your favour...it seem to make everyone around here a little mad! Let's just say I'm glad the moon only gets that close once every 50 years!!!
That quilt top for the Japan relief will be perfect. I've been digging into my box of goodies and have a few tops I think will fit the bill...I feel so compelled to do something!
Do you remember which mag the arrowhead pattern was in? I really like your blocks and would be interested in making some myself.
Wow, so much accomplished! Like your husband, I like the bright quilt -- but you have to work with what you love!
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